Department(s): Department of Planning and Development
Action: Authorization to disburse payment
Payee: Matthew Paving, Inc., Oak Lawn, Illinois
Good(s) or Service(s): Construction services to improve transportation at various sites.
Fiscal Impact: $237,195.51
Accounts: Motor Fuel Tax Fund 51029.560060
Contract Number(s): #74000008960 issued under Project #19-80-67G-21C1
District(s): 9, 14, 17
Summary: Payment for construction services associated with transportation improvements at Campground Road Woods in Des Plaines, Northwestern Woods in Des Plaines, Potawatomi Woods in Northbrook, and River Trail Nature Center in Northbrook pursuant to contract approved by the Board of Commissioners on 4/13/2021 (Board Item No. 21-0222).