File #: 25-0129    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Contract Status: Approved
File created: 2/19/2025 In control: FPD Board of Commissioners
On agenda: 3/11/2025 Final action: 3/11/2025
Title: PROPOSED CONTRACT Department(s): Office of the General Superintendent Vendor: PMGMA, Inc., Northbrook, Illinois Request: Authorization for the Forest Preserves of Cook County (the "Forest Preserves") to enter into and execute Good(s) or Service(s): Printing and distribution of the quarterly guide to the season's events, activities and amenities in the Forest Preserves of Cook County Contract Value: $251,956.00 Contract Period: 5/1/2025 - 4/30/2027 Estimated Fiscal Impact: FY 2025 $93,727.00, FY 2026 $125,978.00, FY 2027 $32,251.00 Accounts: Advertising and Promotions 51001.520610 Contract Number(s): #74000015779 issued under RFP #25-10-1924 Concurrences: The Chief Financial Officer has approved this item. Final contract is subject to legal review and approval. The contract-specific Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprise goal for this contract was set to zero. District(s): Districtwide Summary: The Forest Preserves issued a Request for Proposals ("RFP") seek...
Indexes: EILEEN FIGEL, Interim General Superintendent
Attachments: 1. PMGMA Website
Related files: 21-0534




Department(s):  Office of the General Superintendent


Vendor:  PMGMA, Inc., Northbrook, Illinois


Request: Authorization for the Forest Preserves of Cook County (the “Forest Preserves”) to enter into and execute


Good(s) or Service(s): Printing and distribution of the quarterly guide to the season’s events, activities and amenities in the Forest Preserves of Cook County


Contract Value:  $251,956.00


Contract Period: 5/1/2025 - 4/30/2027


Estimated Fiscal Impact:  FY 2025 $93,727.00, FY 2026 $125,978.00, FY 2027 $32,251.00


Accounts:  Advertising and Promotions 51001.520610


Contract Number(s):  #74000015779 issued under RFP #25-10-1924


Concurrences: The Chief Financial Officer has approved this item. Final contract is subject to legal review and approval.


The contract-specific Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprise goal for this contract was set to zero.


District(s): Districtwide


Summary: The Forest Preserves issued a Request for Proposals (“RFP”) seeking firms to print and deliver a quarterly 48-page, four-color guide to promote seasonal events, activities and amenities across the Preserves. The guide is distributed to more than three hundred (300) locations in Cook County, including nature centers, campgrounds, libraries, health centers, offices of elected officials, and municipalities. Communities identified as Economically Disconnected Areas have been prioritized for distribution.


A total of three (3) proposals were submitted in response to the publicly advertised RFP. PMGMA, Inc. was determined by an evaluation committee to be the best option based on criteria outlined in the RFP: project understanding and approach, similar project experience, capacity to do the work in desired timeframe, overall completeness of submittal and cost-effective proposal.
