Department: Legal Department
Other Part(ies): Cook County
Request: Authorization for the Forest Preserve District of Cook County (the "Preserves") to enter into and execute a Second amended and Restated Intergovernmental Agreement ("IGA") with the County of Cook for certain services.
Goods or Services: The parties desire to share certain administrative services. Lawn care services also will be provided by the Preserves to the County.
Agreement Number: N/A
Agreement Period: 1/1/2014, retroactively to 12/31/2014 with annual automatic renewal provisions.
Fiscal Impact: Up to $1,065,000.00
Account(s): Various Districtwide Corporate Accounts
Summary: This IGA is to memorialize the terms under which the parties have agreed to reimburse each other for the costs, or portion thereof, of providing certain services to each other.