Meeting Name: FPD Board of Commissioners Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/19/2024 9:55 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Cook County Building, Board Room, 118 North Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: To comment on an item on this agenda, click here, Click to Watch Live, Special Meeting Notice Letter 9.19.24
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e24-0370 1  Journal of ProceedingsJOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS SECRETARY TO THE BOARD, Lynne M. Turner, presented in printed form a record of the Journal of Proceedings of the regular Forest Preserve Board meeting held on July 23, 2024.approvePass Action details Not available
24-0327 1  Ordinance AmendmentPROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT FEE SUNSET DATE BE IT ORDAINED, by the Forest Preserve District of Cook County Board of Commissioners, that Title 7 - Fees, Chapter 1 - Fee Schedule of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as Follows: 7-1-1: FEES. *** REVIEW AND SUNSET: This Ordinance shall sunset on December 31, 2024 2028. Prior to that sunset date, the District shall review its fee increase process for items covered by this Title 7, Chapter 1 to determine if modifications are advised. Effective date: This ordinance amendment shall be in effect immediately upon adoption.approvePass Action details Not available
24-0294 1  Bid RecommendationPROPOSED BID RECOMMENDATION Department: Department of Planning and Development Request: Authorization for the Forest Preserves of Cook County (the “Forest Preserves”) to enter into a construction contract with MYS, Inc., primary place of business Palos Heights, Illinois, for Districtwide Bridge Repairs at various locations throughout the County. Reason: Contract #74000014798 issued under Project #22-80-06-24C1R for districtwide bridge repairs at various sites in north, northwest, and central Cook County (Edgebrook and Chick Evans golf courses and on trails at County Lane Woods, Paddock Woods, Skokie Lagoons and Deer Grove). The work addresses critical issues identified by bridge inspections. The work includes, but is not limited to, bridge, trail and culvert repairs, and other related work as specified in the plans and specifications. Bid Opening Date: 8/8/2024 Bid Results: 1. MYS, Inc. $1,282,358.10 2. Berglund Construction Company $1,600,000.00 Estimated Fiscal Impact: FY2024 $384,707.40; FY2025 $897,650.70 Contract Period: Three approvePass Action details Not available
24-0365 1  Recommendation of the Finance Subcommittee (Litigation)RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEE (LITIGATION) Finance Subcommittee Meeting on Litigation - 9/17/2024 The Finance Subcommittee on Litigation met on the above listed date and recommends the following for approval: Proposed Settlements Approved Fiscal Year 2024 to Present: $0.00 Proposed Settlements to Be Approved: $78,000.00 Legal Fees Approved Fiscal Year 2024 to Present: $363,109.12 Legal Fees for 9/17/2024 to Be Approved: $61,495.03approvePass Action details Not available
24-0318 1  Recommendation of the Finance Subcomittee (Workers' Compensation)RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEE (WORKERS’ COMPENSATION) Finance Subcommittee Meeting on Workers’ Compensation - 9/17/2024 The Finance Subcommittee on Workers’ Compensation met on the above listed date and recommends the following for approval: Workers’ Compensation Claims approved Fiscal Year 2024 to present: $567,505.99 Workers’ Compensation Claims to Be Approved: $8,461.73 Workers’ Compensation Lien Recovery approved Fiscal Year 2024 to present: $12,500.00 Workers’ Compensation Lien Recovery to be Approved: $0.00approvePass Action details Not available
24-0082 1  ReportREPORT Department: Department of Finance and Administration Request: Receive and File Report Title: Corporate Fund Analysis of Revenue and Expenditures Report Period: 1/1/2024 - 7/31/2024 Summary: Detailed Fund Analysis of Revenue and Expenditures for June and July 2024.receive and filedPass Action details Not available
24-0323 1  ReportREPORT Department: Department of Finance and Administration Request: Refer to Finance Committee Report Title: Forest Preserves of Cook County Annual Fee Waiver and Discount Report FY 2023 Report Period: 1/1/2023 - 12/31/2023 Summary: Under the Forest Preserves of Cook County Code of Ordinances, certain discounts are granted to veteran or non-profit organizations with respect to recreational use of Forest Preserves of Cook County property or amenities. Additional discounts may be offered at the discretion of the General Superintendent. The Forest Preserves of Cook County implemented a Fee Waiver Policy (Policy Number: 02.30.00) establishing the process for when discounts or waivers would be granted. The policy requires an annual report to the Forest Preserves of Cook County Board of Commissioners on discounts and waivers for the sake of transparency. The Fee Waiver and Discount Report describes specific discount categories and various passes issued pursuant to Forest Preserves of Cook County Board Approved Resolution No. 16-0314, approved July 12, 2016. In 20receive and filedPass Action details Not available
24-0312 1 OCA-FPD FY24 2nd Quarter Open RecommendationsReportREPORT Department: Office of the County Auditor Request: Refer to Audit Committee Report Title: OCA-FPD FY24 2nd Quarter Open Recommendations Report Period: June 2024 Summary: This report was designed to communicate the status of Open Recommendations regarding the Forest Preserves District of Cook Countyreceive and filedPass Action details Not available
24-0309 1  ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION APPROVAL OF A MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT EXTENDING THE TERM OF A COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT NEGOTIATED BETWEEN THE FOREST PRESERVES OF COOK COUNTY AND THE ILLINOIS FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE LABOR COUNCIL (POLICE OFFICER UNIT) WHEREAS, the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act (5 ILCS 315/1 et seq.) has established regulations regarding collective bargaining with a union; and WHEREAS, a Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Forest Preserves of Cook County (“Forest Preserves”) and the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council (Police Officer Unit) is currently in effect for a term of January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2024 covering Police Officers in the Law Enforcement Department of the Forest Preserves (Board Item No. 23-0523); and WHEREAS, the Forest Preserves and the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council (Police Officer Unit) have entered into a Memorandum of Agreement subject to approval by the Forest Preserves of Cook County Board of Commissioners and such Memorandum of Agreement makes the following adjustment to the term approvePass Action details Not available
24-0310 1  ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION PROPOSED COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT, SALARY SCHEDULE, WAGE ADJUSTMENTS AND HEALTHCARE PLAN RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act (5 ILCS 315/1 et seq.) has established regulations regarding collective bargaining with a union; and WHEREAS, the Collective Bargaining Agreement Salary Schedule and wage adjustments, as well as healthcare plan revisions, and other terms and conditions of employment, for the period of January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2025, covering employees in the classification of Sergeant in the Law Enforcement Department of the Forest Preserves of Cook County (the “Forest Preserves”), have been negotiated between the Forest Preserves and the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council (Sergeant Unit); and WHEREAS, the general increases and wage adjustments that have been negotiated are reflected in the Salary Schedule and are included in the Collective Bargaining Agreement negotiated between the Forest Preserves and the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council (Sergeant Unit); and WHEREAS, thapprovePass Action details Not available
24-0335 1  ResolutionPROPOSED RESOLUTION APPROVAL OF SALARY ADJUSTMENTS FOR NON-UNION EMPLOYEES WHEREAS, the Forest Preserves of Cook County Board of Commissioners passed a resolution to approve salary schedule, wage adjustments and healthcare plan revisions for non-union employees on June 14, 2022 (Agenda Item No. 22-0132); WHEREAS, the Forest Preserves of Cook County Board of Commissioners approved salary schedule, wage adjustments and healthcare plan revisions for union employee members of Teamsters, Local 700, including an extension of the Teamsters, Local 700 collective bargaining agreement that included adjustments and general increases (Agenda Item Nos. 22-0118 & 23-0570); WHEREAS, the Chief Financial Officer, Comptroller and Director of Human Resources recommend the underlined adjustments below to the previously approved salary adjustments and general wage increases approved for non-union employees on June 14, 2022 (Agenda Item No. 22-0132); a) Effective the first full pay period on or after July 1, 2021, the pay rates for non-union employees shall be increased 1.5% for all clasapprovePass Action details Not available
24-0317 1  Sale or Purchase of Real EstatePROPOSED SALE OF REAL ESTATE Department(s): Legal Department Other Part(ies): Sargon Zaya (“Purchaser”) Request: It is respectfully requested that this proposed sale be approved. Description of Real Estate: Surplus Parcel 14 4834 Kirk Street, Skokie, Cook County, Illinois LOT 12 AND 13 IN BLOCK 4, IN SUPERIOR COURT COMMISSIONERS SUBDIVISION OF THE EAST 10 ½ ACRES (EXCEPT R.R.) OF LOT 1 IN COUNTY CLERKS DIVISION OF THE NORTHEAST ¼ OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 41 NORTH, RANGE 13 EAST OF THE 3RD PRIME MERIDIAN, IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. PIN: 10-28-209-037 SAID PARCEL CONTAINING 7,446 SQUARE FEET, OR 0.17103 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. Section: N/A Parcel(s): Surplus Parcel 14 Fiscal Impact: $310,000.00 in revenue (minus closing costs not to exceed $10,000.00) Accounts: Anticipated Land Sales/Surplus 51006.411466 District(s): 13 Summary: The Forest Preserve District of Cook County (the “Forest Preserves”) recently concluded a bidding process for the sale of a surplus parcel that has been approved for sale by the State Legislature, Surplus Parcel 14, capprovePass Action details Not available
24-0299 1  License RequestPROPOSED LICENSE REQUEST Request: Requesting authorization for the Forest Preserves of Cook County (the “Forest Preserves”), as Licensor to grant a License to Nicor, Grantee, to locate, operate and maintain 903 feet of gas main along Rand Road in Des Plaines. The new line will replace an existing gas line that needs to be relocated to accommodate road construction work by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT). The existing gas line was installed pursuant to License #837 issued in 1970. Conveyance of small easement areas to IDOT for road improvements was approved by the Board of Commissioners separately in 2021 (Board Item No. 21-0123). No trees will need to be removed for this project. Term: Ten (10) years License Fee: $29,851.24 License Application Fee: $1,500.00 Review Fee: $3,000.00 YELAR Fee: $7,200.00 Additional Fee: $3,000.00. This fee will be used to support restoration work in the Des Plaines River corridor. Total one-time upfront fee of $44,551.24 for the term of the License Tree Mitigation Fee: N/A The area of the License iapprovePass Action details Not available
24-0266 1  License AmendmentPROPOSED LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUEST Request: Requesting authorization for the Forest Preserves of Cook County (the “Forest Preserves”), as Licensor to amend a License to the Village of Crestwood, Grantee, to locate, operate and maintain a new underground drainpipe and related improvements on Forest Preserves land in Rubio Woods to address severe erosion at the base of an existing unauthorized earthen berm. Erosion has occurred in recent months after a new trunk storm sewer and flood control basin were completed in 2023 under the original license (#1782) to the Village of Crestwood (“Village”). The license amendment would expand the license area for the new drainpipe and defer the requirement to remove the unauthorized berm for another year after completion of the proposed new improvements, which are currently in the engineering design phase. Final amendment is subject to Forest Preserves review and approval of final plans and specifications. No trees will be removed for this project, and the original license term will not be changed. Additionally, with the exception of the Review FeapprovePass Action details Not available
24-0283 1  ReportREPORT Department: Department of Law Enforcement Request: Refer to Law Enforcement Committee Report Title: Model Policing Report Period: 4/1/2024 - 6/30/2024 Summary: Report on the status to achieve the goal of a Model Forest Preserves Police Departmentreceive and filedPass Action details Not available