| 1 | | | Committee Minutes | COMMITTEE MINUTES
Approval of the minutes from the meeting of 07/23/2024 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Ordinance Amendment | PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT
BE IT ORDAINED, by the Forest Preserve District of Cook County Board of Commissioners, that Title 7 - Fees, Chapter 1 - Fee Schedule of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as Follows:
7-1-1: FEES.
This Ordinance shall sunset on December 31, 2024 2028. Prior to that sunset date, the District shall review its fee increase process for items covered by this Title 7, Chapter 1 to determine if modifications are advised.
Effective date: This ordinance amendment shall be in effect immediately upon adoption. | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Bid Recommendation | PROPOSED BID RECOMMENDATION
Department: Department of Planning and Development
Request: Authorization for the Forest Preserves of Cook County (the “Forest Preserves”) to enter into a construction contract with MYS, Inc., primary place of business Palos Heights, Illinois, for Districtwide Bridge Repairs at various locations throughout the County.
Reason: Contract #74000014798 issued under Project #22-80-06-24C1R for districtwide bridge repairs at various sites in north, northwest, and central Cook County (Edgebrook and Chick Evans golf courses and on trails at County Lane Woods, Paddock Woods, Skokie Lagoons and Deer Grove). The work addresses critical issues identified by bridge inspections. The work includes, but is not limited to, bridge, trail and culvert repairs, and other related work as specified in the plans and specifications.
Bid Opening Date: 8/8/2024
Bid Results:
1. MYS, Inc. $1,282,358.10
2. Berglund Construction Company $1,600,000.00
Estimated Fiscal Impact: FY2024 $384,707.40; FY2025 $897,650.70
Contract Period: Three | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Recommendation of the Finance Subcommittee (Litigation) | RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEE (LITIGATION)
Finance Subcommittee Meeting on Litigation - 9/17/2024
The Finance Subcommittee on Litigation met on the above listed date and recommends the following for approval:
Proposed Settlements Approved Fiscal Year 2024 to Present: $0.00
Proposed Settlements to Be Approved: $78,000.00
Legal Fees Approved Fiscal Year 2024 to Present: $363,109.12
Legal Fees for 9/17/2024 to Be Approved: $61,495.03 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Recommendation of the Finance Subcomittee (Workers' Compensation) | RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEE (WORKERS’ COMPENSATION)
Finance Subcommittee Meeting on Workers’ Compensation - 9/17/2024
The Finance Subcommittee on Workers’ Compensation met on the above listed date and recommends the following for approval:
Workers’ Compensation Claims approved Fiscal Year 2024 to present: $567,505.99
Workers’ Compensation Claims to Be Approved: $8,461.73
Workers’ Compensation Lien Recovery approved Fiscal Year 2024 to present: $12,500.00
Workers’ Compensation Lien Recovery to be Approved: $0.00 | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Report | REPORT
Department: Department of Finance and Administration
Request: Receive and File
Report Title: Corporate Fund Analysis of Revenue and Expenditures
Report Period: 1/1/2024 - 7/31/2024
Summary: Detailed Fund Analysis of Revenue and Expenditures for June and July 2024. | approve | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Report | REPORT
Department: Department of Finance and Administration
Request: Refer to Finance Committee
Report Title: Forest Preserves of Cook County Annual Fee Waiver and Discount Report FY 2023
Report Period: 1/1/2023 - 12/31/2023
Summary: Under the Forest Preserves of Cook County Code of Ordinances, certain discounts are granted to veteran or non-profit organizations with respect to recreational use of Forest Preserves of Cook County property or amenities. Additional discounts may be offered at the discretion of the General Superintendent. The Forest Preserves of Cook County implemented a Fee Waiver Policy (Policy Number: 02.30.00) establishing the process for when discounts or waivers would be granted. The policy requires an annual report to the Forest Preserves of Cook County Board of Commissioners on discounts and waivers for the sake of transparency. The Fee Waiver and Discount Report describes specific discount categories and various passes issued pursuant to Forest Preserves of Cook County Board Approved Resolution No. 16-0314, approved July 12, 2016.
In 20 | receive and filed | Pass |
Action details
Not available