Meeting date/time:
10:00 AM
Minutes status:
Meeting location:
Cook County Building, Board Room, 118 North Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois
| 1 | | | Intergovernmental Agreement | PROPOSED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT
Department: Department of Planning and Development
Other Part(ies): Chicago Transit Authority (“CTA”), Chicago, Illinois
Request: Authority to execute agreement and accept donation of land
Goods or Services: Donation of land and fulfillment of other agreed mitigation measures to offset environmental impacts and closure of an access road relating to proposed new Red Line Extension 130th Street station adjacent to Beaubien Woods
Agreement Number(s): N/A
Agreement Period: Date of Execution to December 31, 2033 or four (4) years after the beginning of Revenue Service on the Red Line Extension, whichever date is later
Fiscal Impact: N/A. Revenue Generating
CTA to provide the following to the Forest Preserves under the proposed Intergovernmental Agreement:
1. Donation of 7.6 acres of land immediately adjacent to Beaubien Woods (the “Property”), at no cost;
2. Payment of $250,000.00 for ecological restoration within one-hundred eighty (180) days of the effective date of the Intergovernmental Agreement or CTA’ | refer | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | PROPOSED ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE CREATING A FOREST PRESERVE in part of Section 35, Township 37 North, Range 14, East of the Third Principal Meridian, all in Cook County, Illinois near Beaubien Woods in District 5.
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, Illinois (the “District”), pursuant to the statutes in such case made and provided, has from time to time acquired by purchase, condemnation, gift, grant, devise, or otherwise, lands necessary and desirable for District purposes containing one or more natural forests or parts thereof, or lands connecting such forests or parts thereof, or lands capable of being reforested for the purpose of protecting and preserving the flora, fauna, and scenic beauties within the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, Illinois, and to restore, restock, protect, and preserve the natural forests and said lands together with their flora and fauna, as nearly as may be, in their natural state and condition, for the purpose of the education, pl | refer | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance | PROPOSED ORDINANCE
ORDINANCE for the Levy of Taxes for the Year 2023
BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Commissioners of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County:
Section 1. That this Ordinance is and the same is hereby termed the “Ordinance for the Levy of Taxes for the Year 2023.”
Section 2. That the Committee on Finance of the Board of Commissioners of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, Illinois has considered the subject of the Annual Tax Levy for the year 2023 and the several sums necessary to be levied to meet the needs and requirements of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County for said year and has recommended that this ordinance for the levy of taxes be adopted.
Section 3. That the Commissioners of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, heretofore having approved and adopted the Annual Appropriation Ordinance for the Forest Preserve District of Cook County for the year commencing January 1, 2023 at its meeting held November 30, 2022, which ordinance was published by authority of said Board as provided by law and which portion of said Approp | refer | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Resolution | PROPOSED RESOLUTION
WHEREAS, the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act (5 ILCS 315/1 et seq.) has established regulations regarding collective bargaining with a union; and
WHEREAS, the Collective Bargaining Agreement Salary Schedule and wage adjustments, as well as healthcare plan revisions, and other terms and conditions of employment, for the period of January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2024, covering employees in the classification of Police Officer in the Law Enforcement Department of the Forest Preserves of Cook County (the “Forest Preserves”), have been negotiated between the Forest Preserves and the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council (Police Officer Unit); and
WHEREAS, the general increases and wage adjustments that have been negotiated are reflected in the Salary Schedule and are included in the Collective Bargaining Agreement negotiated between the Forest Preserves and the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council (Police Officer Unit); | refer | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Resolution | PROPOSED RESOLUTION
WHEREAS, the Forest Preserves of Cook County (“Forest Preserves”) Board of Commissioners approved Resolution 17-0178 on September 11, 2018, to officially recognize and adopt names of Forest Preserves Lands and Amenities after a staff-led Naming Committee made recommendations to the Board of Commissioners; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners approved Resolution 19-0354 on September 24, 2019, to adopt a Permanent Naming Policy; and
WHEREAS, the Forest Preserves is committed to complying with all applicable provisions of the Illinois Open Meetings Act (the “Act”), supporting citizens’ right to be informed and the requirement that actions and deliberations of public bodies be conducted openly; and
WHEREAS, notwithstanding this commitment and good faith interpretation of the Open Meetings Act, the Forest Preserves’ staff-led Naming Committee has been interpreted by the Public Access Counselor to be a public body under the Act, based in part on the prior Permanent Naming Policy adopted by the Board; and
W | approve | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Partnership Agreement | PROPOSED PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT
Request: Requesting authorization for the Forest Preserves of Cook County (the “Forest Preserves”) to enter into a Partnership Agreement with Friends of the Chicago River, Chicago, Illinois.
Reason: Friends of the Chicago River has received a $195,151.00 grant through the USDA Forest Service Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Grant Program to support 50 acres of restoration at Wampum Lake in southeast Cook County, near the Village of Thornton. Work will consist of invasive tree and brush removal aimed at improving native species coverage, stormwater infiltration, and water quality in the adjacent lake and Thorn Creek, a tributary to the Little Calumet River. A portion of the work will engage participants of Greencorps Chicago, a City of Chicago green industry job training program for individuals with barriers to employment.
Total project costs are $225,151.00, of which the Forest Preserves will contribute $30,000.00 or approximately 13% in direct match. The grant agreement is anticipated to end on 12/31/2025, however, an additional year is being ad | approve | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | | | Grant Award | PROPOSED GRANT AWARD
Department: Department of Planning and Development
Grantee: Forest Preserves of Cook County (the “Forest Preserves”)
Grantor: Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Springfield, Illinois
Request: Authorization to accept grant
Purpose: Authorization is sought for the Forest Preserves to accept and enter into an agreement with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) for the federal Recreation Trail Program (RTP) grant funding to conduct surface repairs on 1 mile of the Tinley Creek Trail, located in unincorporated Cook County (Orland Township) in the southwestern part of Cook County, Illinois.
Grant Amount: $188,000.00
Grant Period: Upon full execution of agreement through 9/14/2026
Fiscal Impact: $94,000.00 ($47,000.00 20% match + $47,000.00 20% contingency)
Accounts: Land Improvements 51009.560019, 51029.560019, and 51009.560033; and future Construction and Development accounts
Concurrences: The Chief Financial Officer has approved this item. Final grant agreement is subject to legal review and approval.
District(s): | approve | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | | | License Request | PROPOSED LICENSE REQUEST
Request: Requesting authorization for the Forest Preserves of Cook County (the “Forest Preserves”), as Licensor to grant a License to Wireless Edge Towers II, LLC, Grantee, to locate, operate and maintain a cell tower in Meadowlark Golf Course pursuant to a master agreement approved by the Forest Preserves of Cook County Board of Commissioners on November 2, 2021 (Board Item No. 21-0002). The license area includes two (2) alternative access route options that overlaps with an existing access easement previously granted to the Illinois Tollway. Three (3) trees would need to be removed, resulting in tree mitigation fees. In practice, more trees may need to be removed than originally estimated. Any increase in the tree mitigation fee will be in accordance with the Tree Mitigation Plan (See Board Item No. 20-0279), and if such increase is more than 20% of original estimate, then approval will be sought from the Forest Preserves of Cook County Board of Commissioners.
Term: Ten (10) years with option to renew for three (3) additional 5-year terms
Licens | refer | Pass |
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| 1 | | | License Request | PROPOSED LICENSE REQUEST
Request: Requesting authorization for the Forest Preserves of Cook County (the “Forest Preserves”), as Licensor to grant a License to CrossTown Fiber, Grantee, to locate, operate and maintain a fiber optic line on the east side of Cumberland Avenue, all within the road right-of-way, from Belmont Avenue to Addison Street (approximate length 2,550 linear feet).
Term: Ten (10) years
License Fee: $82,541.32
License Application Fee: $1,500.00
Review Fee: $3,000.00
YELAR Fee: $7,050.00
Total one-time upfront fee of $94,091.32 for the term of the License
(Sec. 5-2A-4 and 5-2B-4)
Tree Mitigation Fee: N/A
The area of the License is: 0.8781 acre
Concurrence(s): The Chief Financial Officer has approved this item. Final license agreement is subject to legal review and approval.
Grantee will be required to meet the insurance requirements under the License Agreement.
The Forest Preserves staff have reviewed this license application and plans and have found them to be acceptable; therefore, it is recommended that the Forest Pre | refer | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | | | Contract | PROPOSED CONTRACT
Department(s): Department of Planning and Development
Vendor: Environmental Design International, Inc., Chicago, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Forest Preserves of Cook County (the “Forest Preserves”) to enter into and execute
Good(s) or Service(s): Professional environmental engineering services for a fuel storage tank program
Contract Value: Not to exceed $269,527.00
Contract Period: 11/1/2023 - 10/31/2024 with two (2) one-year renewal options to be exercised at the discretion of the General Superintendent
Estimated Fiscal Impact: Not to exceed $269,527.00. Estimated impact FY2023 $69,527.00, FY2024 $125,000.00, FY2025 $50,000.00 (Optional) and FY 2026 $25,000.00 (Optional)
Accounts: Professional Services 51009.520830, 51033.520830 and future Construction and Development accounts
Contract Number(s): #74000013163 issued under RFP #23-80-20R and Solicitation Number 23-80-009349R
Concurrences: The Chief Financial Officer has approved this item. Final contract is subject to legal review and approval.
The contract-specific Minority- and Wome | approve | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Contract | PROPOSED CONTRACT
Department(s): Department of Facilities and Fleet
Vendor: Ariens Company, Brillion, Wisconsin
Request: Authorization for the Forest Preserves of Cook County (the “Forest Preserves”) to enter into and execute
Good(s) or Service(s): Ten (10) Gravely Pro-turn EV electric mowers with batteries and chargers.
Contract Value: $353,725.40
Contract Period: One-time purchase
Estimated Fiscal Impact: FY 2023 $353,725.40
Accounts: Clean Air and Clean Water Referendum, Vehicle, Equipment and Supplies Purchase 51033.560266
Contract Number(s): #74000013126 issued under Project #23-52-216 (agreement based on Sourcewell Contract No. 031121-ACO)
Concurrences: The Chief Financial Officer has approved this item. Final contract is subject to legal review and approval.
Piggyback contract based on the Sourcewell Contract No. 031121-ACO with Ariens Company with no MWBE participation goals.
District(s): Districtwide
Summary: The Forest Preserves is requesting the purchase of ten (10) Gravely Pro-Turn EV (“60”) electric mowers, ten (10) portable chargers and twen | approve | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | | | Contract | PROPOSED CONTRACT
Department(s): Department of Facilities and Fleet
Vendor: Clark Equipment Company D/B/A Bobcat Company, West Fargo, North Dakota
Request: Authorization for the Forest Preserves of Cook County (the “Forest Preserves”) to enter into and execute
Good(s) or Service(s): Two (2) T770 T4 Bobcat Compact Track Loaders and five (5) MT100 Mini Track Loaders
Contract Value: $386,717.17
Contract Period: One-time purchase
Estimated Fiscal Impact: FY 2023 $386,717.17
Accounts: Vehicles and Trucks 51033.540260; and Equipment Supplies 51001.560266
Contract Number(s): #740000013153 issued under Project #23-54-227 (agreement based on Sourcewell contract #040319-CEC
Concurrences: The Chief Financial Officer has approved this item. Final agreement is subject to legal review and approval.
Piggyback contract based on the Sourcewell Contract No. 040319-CEC with Clark Equipment Company D/B/A Bobcat Company with no MWBE participation goals.
District(s): Districtwide
Summary: The Forest Preserves is requesting the purchase of seven (7) Bobcat loaders. One (1) loader wi | approve | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | | | Contract | PROPOSED CONTRACT
Department(s): Department of Facilities and Fleet
Vendor: Monroe Truck Equipment, Inc., Monroe, Wisconsin
Request: Authorization for the Forest Preserves of Cook County (the “Forest Preserves”) to enter into and execute
Good(s) or Service(s): Monroe snowplow repair parts
Contract Value: $50,000.00
Contract Period: Execution date to 10/11/2024
Estimated Fiscal Impact: FY 2023 $12,000.00, FY 2024 $38,000.00
Accounts: Fleet Equipment Supplies and Maintenance 51001.540275
Contract Number(s): #74000013150 issued under Project #23-54-204 (agreement based on State of Illinois Contract No. 21-416CMS-BOSS4-P-19619)
Concurrences: The Chief Financial Officer has approved this item. Final agreement is subject to legal review and approval.
Piggyback contract based on the State of Illinois Contract No. 21-416CMS-BOSS4-P-19619 with Monroe Truck Equipment, Inc. with no MWBE participation goals.
District(s): Districtwide
Summary: The Forest Preserves is requesting the purchase of Monroe snowplow repair parts to maintain Forest Preserves parking lots and roads wit | approve | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | | | Contract Amendment | PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT
Department(s): Department of Conservation and Experiential Programming
Vendor: Buffalo Recreation, a subsidiary of Troon, formerly known as (f/k/a) Antares Golf, LLC, f/k/a Indigo Sports, LLC, f/k/a Billy Casper Golf, Reston, Virginia
Request: Authorization for the Forest Preserves of Cook County (the “Forest Preserves”) to exercise contract extension options and increase contract
Good(s) or Service(s): Campground Management Services
Original Contract Period: 12/1/2018 - 11/30/2023; with the option for two (2), 2-year extensions
Proposed Contract Period Extension: 12/1/2023 - 11/30/2025 with the option to renew for two (2) additional years (12/1/2025 - 11/30/2027), at the discretion of the General Superintendent.
Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $4,625,000.00
Original Approval: 10/16/2018, $4,625,000.00
Previous Increase(s): N/A
This Increase Requested: $4,525,000.00
Estimated Fiscal Impact: FY 2024 $1,075,000.00, FY 2025 $1,125,000.00, FY 2026 $1,150,000.00 (optional), FY 2027 $1,175,000.00 (optional)
A | approve | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Contract Amendment | PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT
Department(s): Legal Department
Vendor: PF Appraisals, Inc. D/B/A Praedium Valuation Group, Chicago, Illinois (“Praedium”)
Request: Authorization for the Forest Preserves of Cook County (the “Forest Preserves”) to extend contract
Good(s) or Service(s): Appraisal Services
Original Contract Period: 5/6/2020 - 5/5/2023
Proposed Contract Period Extension: 5/6/2023 (retroactive) - 11/30/2023
Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $75,000.00
Original Approval: 5/6/2020
Previous Increase(s): N/A
This Increase Requested: N/A
Estimated Fiscal Impact: N/A
Accounts: Real Estate Operations 51006.560010
Contract Number(s): #74000007999 issued under RFQ 20-60-005273
Concurrences: The Chief Financial Officer has approved this item. Final amendment is subject to legal review and approval.
Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprise goals are not applicable to the contract as the original contract value per year was equal to or less than $25,000.
District(s): Districtwide
Summary: The Forest Preserves issued a Request for Qualifications | approve | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | | | Contract Amendment | PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT
Department(s): Legal Department
Vendor: Polach Appraisal Group, Inc. (“Polach”), Chicago, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Forest Preserves of Cook County (the “Forest Preserves”) to extend contract
Good(s) or Service(s): Appraisal Services
Original Contract Period: 5/6/2020 - 5/5/2023
Proposed Contract Period Extension: 5/6/2023 (retroactive) - 11/30/2023
Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $75,000.00
Original Approval: 5/6/2020
Previous Increase(s): N/A
This Increase Requested: N/A
Estimated Fiscal Impact: N/A
Accounts: Real Estate Operations 51006.560010
Contract Number(s): #74000007997 issued under RFQ 20-60-005273
Concurrences: The Chief Financial Officer has approved this item. Final amendment is subject to legal review and approval.
Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprise goals are not applicable to the contract as the original contract value per year was equal to or less than $25,000.
District(s): Districtwide
Summary: The Forest Preserves issued a Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”) for Appraisal Service | approve | Pass |
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Not available
| 1 | | | Contract Amendment | PROPOSED CONTRACT AMENDMENT
Department(s): Department of Planning and Development
Vendor: Kellermeyer Godfryt Hart, P.C., Des Plaines, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Forest Preserves of Cook County (the “Forest Preserves”) to extend and increase contract
Good(s) or Service(s): Professional services to provide architectural and engineering design and construction administration services for masonry repairs and window replacements at the Central Compound, located in unincorporated Cook County near Maywood.
Original Contract Period: 5/1/2022 - 4/30/2023; Administrative extension (5/1/2023 - 10/27/2023)
Proposed Contract Period Extension: 10/28/2023 - 4/25/2024
Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $34,400.00
Original Approval: 5/1/2022, $34,400.00
Previous Increase(s): N/A
This Increase Requested: $8,800.00
Estimated Fiscal Impact: FY 2023 $8,800.00
Accounts: Professional Services 51009.520830 and 51033.520830
Contract Number(s): #74000010701 issued under Project #22-80-10
Concurrences: The Chief Financial Officer has approved this item. Fina | approve | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Report | REPORT
Department: Office of the General Superintendent
Request: Receive and File
Report Title: 2023 Annual Report, 2023 Progress Report, and 2024 Budget Recommendation prepared by the Conservation and Policy Council of the Forest Preserves of Cook County
Report Period: 1/1/2023 - 10/21/2023
Summary: Each year the Conservation and Policy Council reviews the Forest Preserves’ annual budget proposal and makes a recommendation to the General Superintendent, the President and the Board of Commissioners about the budget and its alignment with the Next Century Conservation Plan implementation strategy. The Annual Report of the Conservation and Policy Council is required by Section 1-18-5 of the Forest Preserves’ Code of Ordinances.
Along with the Annual Report, the Council is also submitting a progress report on the implementation of the Next Century Conservation Plan. The report describes the current status of key performance indicators related to restoration, land acquisition, and engaging people. | receive and filed | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Report | REPORT
Department: Department of Finance and Administration
Request: Receive and File
Report Title: Procurement and Disbursement Report
Report Period: 8/1/2023 - 8/31/2023
Summary: Submitting the Procurement and Disbursement Report for the period of August 2023. The report is to be received and filed in compliance with Section 1-8-2 (BB) of the District’s Code of Ordinances. | receive and filed | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Report | REPORT
Department: Departments of Legal and Finance
Request: Receive and File
Report Title: Workers’ Compensation Report - August 2023
Report Period: 8/1/2023 - 8/31/2023
Summary: The Forest Preserves of Cook County Departments of Legal and Finance are submitting Workers’ Compensation Claim Payments for the month of August 2023. Payments total $249,800.97 for August 2023. | receive and filed | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Calendar of Events | PROPOSED CALENDAR OF EVENTS
Department: Department of Conservation and Experiential Programming
Summary: Forest Preserves of Cook County Calendar of Events and Activities 10/17/2023 - 11/14/2023
Please check the Forest Preserves of Cook County’s website for updates and changes.
Tuesday, 10/17 through Saturday, 10/21
Fall Migratory Bird BioBlitz, Brookfield Zoo, Brookfield
Help biologists understand bird populations and species diversity in our area by joining the Fall Migratory Bird BioBlitz! During the BioBlitz, log all the birds you spot at Brookfield Zoo or in the Forest Preserves of Cook County on iNaturalist for a chance to win prizes. Registration required. Please visit the website for more information.
Thursday, 10/19; 6:30pm
Owl Prowl, Eggers Grove, Chicago
Join a naturalist for an evening walk while searching for owls. Registration required. Please call (312) 415-2970.
Saturday, 10/21; 10am
Fall Color Walk, Palos Park Woods-North, Palos Park
Look for the changing colors on a 3.4-mile walk. Color scavenger hunts for the little ones provided.
Saturday, 10/21; | receive and filed | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Journal of Proceedings | JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS
SECRETARY TO THE BOARD, Lynne M. Turner, presented in printed form a record of the Journal of Proceedings of the regular meeting held on 9/19/2023. | approve | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Ordinance Amendment | PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT
BE IT ORDAINED, by the Forest Preserve District of Cook County Board of Commissioners, that Title 7 - Fees, Chapter 1 - Fee Schedule of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as Follows:
7-1-1: FEES.
* * *
This Ordinance shall sunset on October 21, 2024 December 31, 2024. Prior to that sunset date, the District shall review its fee increase process for items covered by this Title 7, Chapter 1 to determine if modifications are advised.
Effective date: This ordinance shall be in effect immediately upon adoption. | approve | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Recommendation of the Finance Subcommittee (Litigation) | RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEE (LITIGATION)
Finance Subcommittee Meeting on Litigation - 10/17/2023
The Finance Subcommittee on Litigation met on the above listed date and recommends the following for approval:
Proposed Settlements Approved Fiscal Year 2023 to Present: $55,000.00
Proposed Settlements to Be Approved: $0.00
Legal Fees Approved Fiscal Year 2023 to Present: $655,487.44
Legal Fees for 10/17/2023 to Be Approved: $54,761.26 | approve | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Recommendation of the Finance Subcomittee (Workers' Compensation) | RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEE (WORKERS’ COMPENSATION)
Finance Subcommittee Meeting on Workers’ Compensation - 10/17/2023
The Finance Subcommittee on Workers’ Compensation met on the above listed date and recommends the following for approval:
Workers’ Compensation Claims approved Fiscal Year 2023 to present: $422,633.46
Workers’ Compensation Claims to Be Approved: $42,322.50
Workers’ Compensation Lien Recovery approved Fiscal Year 2023 to present: $47,000.00
Workers’ Compensation Lien Recovery to be Approved: $0.00 | approve | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Report | REPORT
Department: Office of the General Superintendent
Request: Receive and File
Report Title: General Headquarters (GHQ) Temporary Relocation Report
Report Period: 5/23/2023 - 9/30/2023
Summary: The Forest Preserves of Cook County (“Forest Preserves”) General Headquarters is temporarily closed to facilitate major heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) upgrades consistent with the Forest Preserves’ sustainability goals. On 5/23/2023, the Board of Commissioners approved Resolution No. 23-0354 authorizing the General Superintendent or designee to approve and execute lease, warehouse/storage, and moving agreements for the relocation of staff, furniture, fixtures, equipment, and records due to this temporary closure of the Forest Preserves’ General Headquarters (GHQ).
Resolution No. 23-0354 required that: (1) any such executed agreements did not exceed a duration of twelve (12) months; (2) any leases were for space within Cook County; and (3) required payments did not exceed market rates. The aggregate authorized spend on such leases and agreemen | receive and filed | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Report | REPORT
Department: Department of Finance and Administration
Request: Receive and File
Report Title: Corporate Fund Analysis of Revenue and Expenditures
Report Period: 1/1/2023 - 8/31/2023
Summary: Detailed Fund Analysis of Revenue and Expenditures for August 2023. | receive and filed | Pass |
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