Meeting Name: Finance Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/24/2017 10:30 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Cook County Building, Board Room, 118 North Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
17-0334 1  Committee MinutesCOMMITTEE MINUTES Approval of the minutes from the meeting of 09/12/2017approvePass Action details Video Video
17-0359 1 RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEE (LITIGATION) Finance Subcommittee Meeting on Litigation - 9/12/2017Recommendation of the Finance Subcommittee (Litigation)RECOMMENDATION OF THE FINANCE SUBCOMMITTEE (LITIGATION) Finance Subcommittee Meeting on Litigation - 9/12/2017 The Finance Subcommittee on Litigation met on the above listed date and recommends the following for approval: Proposed Settlements Approved Fiscal Year 2017 to Present: $1,920,316.39 Proposed Settlements to Be Approved: $7,184.28 Legal Fees Approved Fiscal Year 2017 to Present: $702,362.75 Legal Fees for 9/12/2017 to Be Approved: $104,804.50approvePass Action details Video Video
17-0355 1 Stantec Consulting Services, Lombard, Illinois.Bid RecommendationPROPOSED BID RECOMMENDATION Department: Resource Management Request: Authorization for the Forest Preserves of Cook County (the “Preserves”) to enter into a contract with Stantec Consulting Services, Lombard, Illinois. Reason: Contract #17-31-123 consists of approximately 172 acres of brush removal at Cap Sauers Holding in accordance with the Preserves’ specifications in Region 7, Sag Valley Division. Stantec Consulting Services was the lowest responsible bidder of the six (6) bidders. Bid Opening Date: 9/29/2017 Bid Results: 1. Stantec Consulting Services, $340,930.50 2. Encap, Inc., $349,601.75 3. Semper Fi Yard Services, $435,487.00 4. Clean Cut Tree Service, $462,900.00 5. Homer Tree Service, $603,247.00 6. KGI Landscaping, $1,002,757.00 Estimated Fiscal Impact: $340,930.50 Contract Period: Date of execution - 10/1/2020, with a twelve (12) month extension option to account for suboptimal weather or ground conditions Account Name/Number: EAB Tree Removal 51009.521456, Vegetation Management 51009.521455, Habitat Restoration 51009recommend for approvalPass Action details Not available
17-0360 1 Trees “R” Us, Wauconda, IllinoisBid RecommendationPROPOSED BID RECOMMENDATION Department: Resource Management Request: Authorization for the Forest Preserves of Cook County (the “Preserves”) to enter into a contract with Trees “R” Us, Wauconda, Illinois Reason: Bid #17RM 125 consists of the removal of one-hundred eleven (111) trees, sixteen (16) of which require pruning in accordance with the Preserves’ specifications at Chick Evans, Edgebrook, and Billy Caldwell golf courses. Trees “R” Us was the lowest responsible bidder of the seven (7) bidders. Bid Opening Date: 10/4/2017 Bid Results: 1. Trees “R” Us, $19,880.00 2. Alvarez, Inc., $30,092.15 3. Groundskeeper, $32,400.00 4. Homer Tree Care, $38,500.00 5. KGI Landscaping, $48,800.00 6. Clean Cut Tree Service, $52,100.00 7. Winkler’s Tree and Landscaping, $87,640.00 Estimated Fiscal Impact: $19,880.00 Contract Period: Thirty (30) working days after issuance of purchase order Account Name/Number: EAB Tree Removal 51009.521456, Vegetation Management 51009.521455, Habitat Restoration 51009.521444, Habitat Enhancement 51009.521452, Mitigarecommend for approvalPass Action details Not available
17-0361 1 Trees “R” Us, Wauconda, IllinoisBid RecommendationPROPOSED BID RECOMMENDATION Department: Resource Management Request: Authorization for the Forest Preserves of Cook County (the “Preserves”) to enter into a contract with Trees “R” Us, Wauconda, Illinois Reason: Bid #17RM 130 consists of the removal of sixty-two (62) trees, five (5) of which require pruning or topping in accordance with the Preserves’ specifications at George Dunne golf course. Trees “R” Us was the lowest responsible bidder of the seven (7) bidders. Bid Opening Date: 10/4/2017 Bid Results: 1. Trees “R” Us, $10,850.00 2. Alvarez, Inc., $13,010.45 3. Homer Tree Care, $14,000.00 4. Groundskeeper, $16,900.00 5. Winkler’s Tree and Landscaping, $21,420.00 6. KGI Landscaping, $29,000.00 7. Clean Cut Tree Service, $45,000.00 Estimated Fiscal Impact: $10,850.00 Contract Period: Thirty (30) working days after issuance of purchase order Account Name/Number: EAB Tree Removal 51009.521456, Vegetation Management 51009.521455, Habitat Restoration 51009.521444, Habitat Enhancement 51009.521452, Mitigation Accounts: 51010.29982 arecommend for approvalPass Action details Not available
17-0074 1 Corporate Fund Analysis of Revenue and Expense 1/1/2017 - 8/31/2017ReportREPORT Department: Finance and Administration Request: Receive and File Report Title: Corporate Fund Analysis of Revenue and Expense Report Period: 1/1/2017 - 8/31/2017 Summary: Detailed analysis of Corporate Fund Revenue and Expenses through August 2017.recommend for receving and filingPass Action details Video Video