Meeting date/time:
10:00 AM
Minutes status:
Meeting location:
Cook County Building, Board Room, 118 North Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois Issued On: 1/9/2025
| 1 | | | Ordinance | PROPOSED ORDINANCE
AN ORDINANCE CREATING A FOREST PRESERVE in part of Section 30, Township 35, Range 15, all in Cook County, Illinois near Michael J. O’Malley Preserve in District 6.
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, Illinois (the “District”), pursuant to the statutes in such case made and provided, has from time to time acquired by purchase, condemnation, gift, grant, devise, or otherwise, lands necessary and desirable for District purposes containing one or more natural forests or parts thereof, or lands connecting such forests or parts thereof, or lands capable of being reforested for the purpose of protecting and preserving the flora, fauna, and scenic beauties within the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, Illinois, and to restore, restock, protect, and preserve the natural forests and said lands together with their flora and fauna, as nearly as may be, in their natural state and condition, for the purpose of the education, pleasure, and recreation | | |
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Department(s): Department of Resource Management
Vendor: HGS, LLC D/B/A RES Environmental Operating Company, LLC, Bellaire, Texas
Request: Authorization for the Forest Preserves of Cook County (the “Forest Preserves”) to enter into and execute
Good(s) or Service(s): Agreement for HGS, LLC to develop, manage and maintain a wetland mitigation bank on Forest Preserves property in unincorporated Cook County near Sauk Village, and authorization for the Forest Preserves to accept donated property from HGS, LLC with a corresponding deed restriction or similar instrument.
Contract Value: Not to exceed $10,000.00 in miscellaneous real estate fees, such as closing costs.
Contract Period: From date of execution until Mitigation Bank Closeout as determined by the appropriate federal authorities (the Forest Preserves will assume long-term maintenance responsibilities thereafter).
Estimated Fiscal Impact: Not to Exceed $10,000.00. After Mitigation Bank Closeout, the Forest Preserves expects to receive app | | |
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| 1 | | | Appointment | PROPOSED APPOINTMENT
Appointee(s): Alaka Wali
Position: Member
Department/Board/Commission: Conservation and Policy Council
Effective Date: Immediate
Expiration Date: 12/31/2027
Alaka Wali is curator emerita of North American Anthropology in the Science and Education Division of the Field Museum. Alaka was born in India and came to the United States as a child. Curious about issues of cultural identity, she studied anthropology at Harvard and Columbia, focusing on the challenges facing Indigenous peoples and their efforts to maintain cultural practices and worldviews.
She was the founding director of the Center for Cultural Understanding and Change at The Field Museum from 1995- 2010. During that time, she pioneered the development of participatory social science research and community engagement processes based in museum science. She curated the North American collection, one of the Museum's largest regional anthropology holdings. Since 2000, she has worked closely with ecologists and museum educators to develop innovative community engagement strategies for people | | |
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| 1 | | | Reappointment | PROPOSED REAPPOINTMENT
Appointee(s): Jacqui Ulrich, Director, Department of Conservation & Experiential Programming
Position: Member of the Board
Department/Board/Commission: NeighborSpace Board of Directors
Effective Date: 1/15/2025
Expiration Date: Two (2) year term expiring 12/31/2026
Summary: The Forest Preserves of Cook County (the “Forest Preserves”) requests approval of the reappointment of Jacqui Ulrich, Director of the Conservation and Experiential Programming Department (“CEP”) to the Board of Directors of NeighborSpace, an affiliate partner of the Forest Preserves.
NeighborSpace is a nonprofit urban land trust in Chicago that preserves and sustains gardens on behalf of dedicated community groups. NeighborSpace owns and manages property so that community groups can focus on gardening. NeighborSpace-protected gardens give young and old alike an opportunity to get their hands in the earth and enjoy nature, right in their own neighborhoods.
CEP connects diverse audiences to nature through a wide range of educational and outdoor recreation experiences and is also r | | |
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| 1 | | | Contract | PROPOSED CONTRACT
Department(s): Department of Permits, Rentals, and Concessions
Vendor: Indigo Sports, LLC (formerly Billy Casper Golf), a wholly owned subsidiary of Troon Golf, LLC, Scottsdale, Arizona
Request: Authorization for the Forest Preserves of Cook County (the “Forest Preserves”) to enter into and execute
Good(s) or Service(s): Pavilion Management Services
Contract Value: $2,686,575.00
Contract Period: 1/1/2025 (retroactive) - 12/31/2029 with two (2) one-year extensions subject to the discretion of the General Superintendent
Estimated Fiscal Impact: FY 2025 $337,348.00; FY 2026 $348,345.00; FY 2027 $359,711.00; FY 2028 $371,458.00; FY 2029 $383,599.00; FY 2030 $421,959.00 (optional); FY 2031 $464,155.00 (optional)
Accounts: Professional Services 51001.520850
Contract Number(s): #74000015273
Concurrences: The Chief Financial Officer has approved this item. Final agreement is subject to legal review and approval
District(s): 4, 9, 10, 15, 17
Summary: The proposed agreement is for the vendor to manage the Forest Preserves' indoor room rental program. The ven | | |
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| 1 | | | Report | REPORT
Department: Department of Law Enforcement
Request: Refer to Law Enforcement Committee
Report Title: Model Policing
Report Period: 7/1/2024 - 12/31/2024
Summary: Report on the status of achieving the goal of a Model Forest Preserves Police Department. | | |
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| 1 | | | Report | REPORT
Department: Departments of Legal and Finance
Request: Receive and File
Report Title: Workers’ Compensation Report - November 2024
Report Period: 11/1/2024 - 11/30/2024
Summary: The Forest Preserves of Cook County Departments of Legal and Finance are submitting Workers’ Compensation Claim Payments for the month of November 2024. Payments total $94,734.10 for November 2024. | | |
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| 1 | | | Report | REPORT
Department: Department of Finance and Administration
Request: Refer to Finance Committee
Report Title: American Rescue Plan Act Sub-Award Annual Report
Report Period: 7/26/2022 - 10/31/2024
Summary: This report serves as an annual update on the Forest Preserves of Cook County’s (the “Forest Preserves”) American Rescue Plan Act (“ARPA”) sub-award funds pursuant to Board Resolution No. 22-0289. This report covers the period of July 26, 2022 through October 31, 2024 and includes Forest Preserves’ expenditures and activities for ARPA projects. ARPA funds seek to address the negative health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on communities nationwide. The Forest Preserves remained open throughout the pandemic and saw firsthand how important nature is to the residents of Cook County, with visitor numbers jumping from an estimated 62 million visits per year to 100 million during this time. ARPA funds support the Forest Preserves mission in providing access to nature for all residents of Cook County. | | |
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| 1 | | | Report | REPORT
Department: Department of Finance and Administration
Request: Receive and File
Report Title: Procurement and Disbursement Report
Report Period: 11/1/2024 - 11/30/2024
Summary: Submitting the Procurement and Disbursement Report for the period of November 2024. This report is to be received and filed in compliance with Section 1-8-2 (BB) of the District’s Code of Ordinances. | | |
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| 1 | | | Report | REPORT
Department: Department of Conservation and Experiential Programming
Request: Receive and File
Report Title: American Humane Conservation Certification
Certification Period: 12/16/2024 - 12/15/2025
Summary: On December 16, 2024, the Forest Preserves of Cook County (the “Forest Preserves”) was awarded a Certificate of Approval in the American Humane Association’s (“American Humane”) Conservation Certification Program for its Ambassador Animal Program at its six nature centers. In June, the Forest Preserves of Cook County Board of Commissioners re-approved (with updated terms) the agreement with American Humane to have the Forest Preserves’ six Nature Centers go through the certification program (See Board Item No. 24-0077). In October, American Humane had an auditor spend a week at the Nature Centers, observing the Ambassador Animals, reviewing procedures and records and talking with and observing staff as they provided husbandry, enrichment and programming with and for the Ambassador Animals.
The assessment included evaluating the animals’ enclosures, behaviors, | | |
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| 1 | | | Calendar of Events | PROPOSED CALENDAR OF EVENTS
Department: Department of Conservation and Experiential Programming
Summary: Forest Preserves of Cook County Calendar of Events and Activities 1/14/2025 - 2/3/2025
Please check the Forest Preserves of Cook County’s website for updates and changes.
Saturdays, 1/18 through 2/1; 9am
Beginner Cross-Country Ski Lessons, Sagawau Environmental Learning Center, Lemont
Learn how to ski with a certified Professional Ski Instructor of America. Registration required. Registration for each lesson starts the Sunday prior to the lesson week. Reservation link will only be available when snow conditions are skiable. Ages 12 and up. The cost is $20 per person. Please call (630) 257-2045 or visit the website.
Sundays, 1/19 through 2/2; 9am
Beginner Cross-Country Ski Lessons, Sagawau Environmental Learning Center, Lemont
Learn how to ski with a certified Professional Ski Instructor of America. Registration required. Registration for each lesson starts the Sunday prior to the lesson week. Reservation link will only be available when snow conditions are skiab | | |
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Not available