Department(s): Department of Resource Management
Vendor: Various vendors establishing a vendor pool for the supply and delivery of sand, gravel, stone, and related granular materials, listed below:
Contract No. Vendor Name
74000014481 Franco Hauling, LLC, Bensenville, Illinois
74000014483 M.T. Transit, Inc., Chicago, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Forest Preserves of Cook County (the "Forest Preserves") to enter into and execute
Good(s) or Service(s): Supply and delivery of a variety of stone aggregate
Contract Value: Not to exceed a combined total of $200,000.00 per twelve (12) month period (or $1,000,000.00 over the entire term, including all option years) across all contract numbers listed above.
Contract Period: 8/1/2024 - 7/31/2026, with three (3) optional one-year renewals to be exercised at the discretion of the General Superintendent
Estimated Fiscal Impact: FY 2024 $100,000.00; FY 2025 $200,000.00; FY 2026 $200,000.00; FY 2027 $200,000.00 (optional); FY 2028 $200,000.00 (optional); FY 2029 $100,000.00 (optional)
Accounts: Trail Amenities 51001.540360; Property Maintenance and Operations 51001.540350; Professional Services 51034.520840; Land Improvements 51033.560020; Grant and Mitigation 51010.521444 and 51010.520840; and all future Professional Services, Land Improvements, and Grant and Mitigation accounts
Contract Number(s): #74000014481 and #74000014483 issued under RFP #23-31-117
Concurrences: The Chief Financial Officer has approved this item. Final agreements are subject to legal review and approval.
The vendors have met the Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Ordinance via direct participation.
District(s): Districtwide
Summary: The Forest Preserves issued a Request for Proposals ("RFP") seeking firms to supply and deliver sand, gravel, stone, and related granular materials to be used for the repair and upkeep of Forest Preserves trails, parking lots, and facil...
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