Request: Requesting authorization for the Forest Preserves of Cook County (the "Forest Preserves"), as Licensor to amend a License to the Village of Crestwood, Grantee, to locate, operate and maintain a new underground drainpipe and related improvements on Forest Preserves land in Rubio Woods to address severe erosion at the base of an existing unauthorized earthen berm. Erosion has occurred in recent months after a new trunk storm sewer and flood control basin were completed in 2023 under the original license (#1782) to the Village of Crestwood ("Village"). The license amendment would expand the license area for the new drainpipe and defer the requirement to remove the unauthorized berm for another year after completion of the proposed new improvements, which are currently in the engineering design phase. Final amendment is subject to Forest Preserves review and approval of final plans and specifications. No trees will be removed for this project, and the original license term will not be changed. Additionally, with the exception of the Review Fee and a License Fee to accommodate the additional license area under the amendment, the other license fees have already been paid by the Village through the original license (See Board Item No. 21-0007).
Term: Seven (7) years
Additional License Fee: $9,831.36
Additional Review Fee: $3,000.00
License Application Fee: N/A
Total one-time upfront fee of $12,831.36 for the remaining term of the amended License
(Sec. 5-2A-4 and 5-2B-4)
Tree Mitigation Fee: $0.00
The area of the License is: 0.1463 acre(s)
Concurrence(s): The Chief Financial Officer has approved this item. Final license amendment is subject to legal review and approval.
Grantee will be required to meet any additional insurance requirements under the License Amendment.
The Forest Preserves staff recommend that the Forest Preserves of Cook County Board of Commissioners approve the issuance o...
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