Department: Department of Planning and Development
Other Part(ies): Chicago Transit Authority ("CTA"), Chicago, Illinois
Request: Authority to execute agreement and accept donation of land
Goods or Services: Donation of land and fulfillment of other agreed mitigation measures to offset environmental impacts and closure of an access road relating to proposed new Red Line Extension 130th Street station adjacent to Beaubien Woods
Agreement Number(s): N/A
Agreement Period: Date of Execution to December 31, 2033 or four (4) years after the beginning of Revenue Service on the Red Line Extension, whichever date is later
Fiscal Impact: N/A. Revenue Generating
CTA to provide the following to the Forest Preserves under the proposed Intergovernmental Agreement:
1. Donation of 7.6 acres of land immediately adjacent to Beaubien Woods (the "Property"), at no cost;
2. Payment of $250,000.00 for ecological restoration within one-hundred eighty (180) days of the effective date of the Intergovernmental Agreement or CTA's acquisition of the Property, whichever date is later;
3. Reimbursement of trail construction costs in an amount Not to Exceed $315,000.00; and
4. Subsidized Forest Preserves signage and advertising at or near the proposed CTA Red Line station and on other buses and trains per the terms of the Intergovernmental Agreement.
Accounts: Grant Revenue to Professional Services 51010.520830; Special or Cooperative Programs 51010.521313; and Land Improvements 51010.560019
District(s): 5
Summary: On August 15, 2021, the CTA confirmed its concurrence with certain mitigation measures outlined by the Forest Preserves of Cook County to offset diminished access to, and noise and vibration impacts to approximately seven acres of Forest Preserves land at Beaubien Woods Boat Launch property. The mitigation measures were negotiated as part of an environmental assessment of the impact of the proposed fede...
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