Department: Department of Conservation and Experiential Programming
Summary: Forest Preserves of Cook County Calendar of Events and Activities: 6/27/2023 - 7/17/2023
Please check the Forest Preserves of Cook County's website for updates and changes.
Wednesday, 6/28; 6pm - 7:30pm
Camping 101, Camp Bullfrog Lake, Willow Springs
Free workshop covering basic camping skills. All ages.
Thursday, 6/29; 9:30am - 11:30am
International Mud Day Celebration, Bunker Hill, Chicago
Join others around the globe for a morning of splashing, squishing, making mud pies and more! Dress to get messy. All ages. Grove 2.
Thursday, 6/29; 1pm - 3pm
Archery, Cherry Hill Woods, Willow Springs
Attend this session to learn the basics of archery. Ages 10 and up. Equipment provided.
Friday, 6/30; 9am - 12pm
Paddle Day, Busse Lake Boating Center, Elk Grove
Paddlers of all skill levels can experience nature by exploring these waterways. Group reservations required. Ages 5 and up. Equipment provided. Timed paddles. Meet at South Boat Launch.
Saturday, 7/1; 1pm
Teen Exploration Day: Red, White and Blue, Crabtree Nature Center, Barrington
Walk along on Bur Edge Trail and try to spot flowers, fruits or animals wearing our national colors! Teens and their families are welcome.
Saturday, 7/1; 8:30pm
Bat Monitoring Night Hike, Little Red Schoolhouse Nature Center, Willow Springs
Using monitoring technology, participate in a search for resident bat activity on our trails. Ages:12 and up.
Sunday, 7/2; 1pm
Dragonflies: Nature's Airshow, Sagawau Environmental Learning Center, Lemont
Watch the dragonflies acrobatic display at the CCC Quarry. Includes a moderate 1-mile hike to the CCC Quarry. Registration required. Call 630-257-2045. Ages 12 and up.
Sunday, 7/2; 1:30pm
Animal Encounter, River Trail Nature Center, Northbrook
Join us for an up-close look at one of our ambassador animals.
Friday, 7/7; 1pm - 3pm
Art in Nature, National Grove, North Riverside
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