Department: Department of Planning and Development
Request: Authorization for the Forest Preserves of Cook County to enter into a construction contract with Fabex Technologies, primary place of business Chicago, Illinois, for improvements at the Central Garage located near Maywood.
Reason: Contract #74000012315 issued under Project #23-80-04 Construction of Stair Enclosures at Central Garage. The work addresses the need to isolate the basement levels of the building from the remainder of the facility. The work includes, but is not limited to, carpentry and electrical work, and other related items as specified in the plans and specifications.
Bid Opening Date: 4/28/2023
Bid Results:
Firm Bid Amount
1. Fabex Technologies $158,426.50
2. Berglund Construction Company $249,500.00
Estimated Fiscal Impact: $158,426.50
Contract Period: Two hundred seventy (270) days from the issuance of the notice to proceed.
Account Name/Number: Property Maintenance & Operations 51009.560105, 51028.560105, 51030.560105, 51031.560105, 51033.560105, 51051.560105 and future Construction and Development accounts
District: 1
Concurrence(s): The Interim Chief Financial Officer and Chief Attorney have approved this item.
The vendor has met the Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Ordinance provisions via direct participation.