Department: Department of Planning and Development
Other Part(ies): Village of Winnetka, Illinois
Request: Authorization to enter into an Intergovernmental License Agreement regarding a Stormwater Management Wetlands Project in the Skokie Lagoons Preserves, south of Willow Road.
Goods or Services: Village of Winnetka ("the Village") would like to use approximately 15.4 acres of Preserves property to construct, operate, and maintain Stormwater Management Wetlands Project.
Agreement Number(s): N/A
Agreement Period: Forty (40) years with automatic one (1) year renewals with an option to renew for an additional forty (40) year term with no additional license fees, subject to future approval by the Board of Commissioners
Fiscal Impact: N/A (revenue generating)
License Fees: $1,105,704.00
License Application Fee: $500.00
YELAR Fee: $3,600.00
Additional Fees: The Village has agreed to one-time payments of $500,000.00 for ecological restoration and $250,000.00 for visitor amenities at Skokie Lagoons near the Village at the time of payment of tree mitigation fees.
Total one-time upfront fee of $1,859,804.00 for the term of the license
Tree Mitigation Fees: $1,248,656.54
Accounts: N/A
District(s): 13
Summary: The proposed Stormwater Management Wetlands Project consists of an open-water feature, wetlands and sedge meadow. The project will provide an additional 74 acre-feet of stormwater storage on Forest Preserves of Cook County land as part of a comprehensive stormwater plan that includes a variety of additional conveyance, storage, and green infrastructure facilities. The Village will provide water quality improvement measures upstream of discharge points onto the Forest Preserves and provide water quality monitoring. Other basic terms of the agreement are in keeping with a 2017 Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") that was approved by the Forest Preserves of Cook County Board of Commissioners...
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