BE IT ORDAINED, by the Forest Preserve District of Cook County Board of Commissioners, that TITLE 1 - ADMINISTRATIVE, CHAPTER 5 - FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RULES OF ORGANIZATION AND PROCEDURE, SECTION 4-30 - PUBLIC TESTIMONY of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as follows:
4-30. Public Testimony. The Board encourages public participation in the legislative process. The following rules shall apply at any meeting of the Board and its committees at which public comment or testimony is taken:
(a) Public testimony at all meetings. Subject to the provisions herein, public testimony will be permitted at all meetings of the Board, its committees and subcommittees. Any member of the general public may address the Board or any of its committees or subcommittees at any remote meeting required to be open to the public under the Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/1 et seq., as then in effect) in writing, or orally from a remote location by means of electronic, video, audio, or telephonic connection if permitted in the meeting notice.
(b) Authorization to speak. Authorization as a public speaker or to provide written testimony to be read into the record of a meeting of the Board, its committees and subcommittees shall be granted to those individuals who have submitted in writing, their name, municipality of residence, subject matter, and organization (if any) to the Secretary.
(c) Public comment period. Duly authorized public speakers shall be called upon to deliver testimony at a time specified in the meeting agenda, or at the discretion of the chair, but prior to final action by the meeting body as is practicable. The public comment period during a remote meeting may be limited to written testimony which shall be read into the record by the Board Secretary.
(d) Germane subject matter encouraged. Public testimony should shall be germane t...
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