Department(s): Department of Planning and Development
Action: Authorization to disburse payment
Payee: Enlight Contracting, LLC, Chicago, Illinois
Good(s) or Service(s): Contractor services
Fiscal Impact: $119,756.83
Accounts: Site Amenities 51009.560060; and Motor Fuel Tax 51029.560060
Contract Number(s): #74000009069 issued under Project #19-80-67G-21C2
District(s): 9, 14
Summary: Payment for contractor services to resurface and improve parking facilities at Bluestar Memorial Woods, Harms Woods Central, Harms Woods North, Irving Park Canoe Landing, and Sunset Bridge Meadow. Work is pursuant to the construction contract approved by the Forest Preserves of Cook County Board of Commissioners on 5/11/2021 (Board Item No. 21-0246).