Department: Department of Planning and Development
Other Part(ies): The Illinois State Toll Highway Authority
Request: Authorization for the Forest Preserves of Cook County (the "Forest Preserves") to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority (the "Tollway").
Goods or Services: Proposed permanent and temporary easements, tree removal, and temporary partial closure of the Salt Creek Trail associated with reconstruction of I-294 adjacent to Bemis Woods.
Agreement Number(s): N/A
Agreement Period: Construction period and temporary easement from 1/1/2021 - 12/31/2025. The permanent easement will continue indefinitely (perpetual).
Fiscal Impact: $2,290,102.79 (Revenue Generating). This amount represents the following: (1) Permanent and Temporary easements - $44,000.00 (appraised value); and (2) tree mitigation (estimate for 431 trees) - $2,246,102.79. In-kind contributions by Tollway for ecological restoration, gateway signs have an estimated value of over $350,000.00
Accounts: N/A
District(s): 17
Summary: The Tollway is scheduled to reconstruct a section of I-294 from Ogden Avenue to 31st Street in and adjacent to Bemis Woods. The proposed reconstruction work will impact property owned by the Forest Preserves and will require granting a permanent easement of 3.325 acres and a temporary easement of 0.892 acre. Impacts to land owned or leased by the Forest Preserves will include construction of box culverts and other storm sewer infrastructure, removal of approximately four hundred thirty-one (431) trees, establishment of a mowed access path for future maintenance, and temporary closure of the Salt Creek Trail.
The Tollway will pay required tree mitigation fees, provide vegetation management and tree trimming along a permanent access path in Bemis Woods adjacent to 31st Street at Meadowlark Golf Course, and contribute in-kind restoration work o...
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