Department(s): Department of Law Enforcement
Vendor: Axon Enterprise, Inc. Scottsdale, Arizona
Request: Authorization for the Forest Preserves of Cook County (the “Forest Preserves) to enter into and execute
Good(s) or Service(s): Taser Weapon, Axon Body Worn Camera Equipment, Maintenance, and Cloud-based storage
Contract Value: $1,277,850.00
Contract period: 1/1/2020 - 12/31/2024
Estimated Fiscal Impact: FY 2020 $327,402.00, FY 2021 $237,612.00, FY 2022 $237,612.00, FY 2023 $237,612.00, FY 2024 $237,612.00
Accounts: Computer and Equipment 51001.531690
Contract Number(s): #74000007200
The Chief Financial Officer and Interim Chief Attorney have approved this item.
The contract-specific MWBE goal for this contract was set to zero.
District(s): Districtwide
Summary: In September of 2019, the Cook County board approved a sole source contract with Axon Enterprise, Inc. Axon Enterprise, Inc. provides Taser weapons and body worn cameras to over sixty (60) law enforcement agencies across the country. The Forest Preserves has determined that the use of Taser weapons and body worn cameras, along with maintenance and Cloud-based storage, would be beneficial for its Law Enforcement Department as well.
The Taser weapons, body worn cameras, maintenance and Cloud-based storage will aid in the safekeeping of thousands of visitors of the Forest Preserves’ with more than three hundred fifty (350) miles of trails, nearly three hundred (300) picnic groves, six (6) nature centers and five (5) campgrounds. The purchase also will help ensure the safety of the police officers assigned to protect the nearly 70,000 acres of Forest Preserves property and its visitors.
The Taser weapons are less than lethal weapons that will allow officers to de-escalate situations, thus preventing the use of deadly force. The body worn cameras will provide a clear substantiation of encounters with citizens. The Cloud-based storage will allow the Department of Law Enforcement to receive and retain video accounts of police-citizen interactions.
This is a sole source procurement.