Department(s): Legal Department
Vendor: Frank Pawlak, PC, Romeoville, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Forest Preserves of Cook County (the “Forest Preserves”) to extend contract
Good(s) or Service(s): Workplace Investigation Services
Original Contract Period: 1/10/2018 - 1/9/2019; Administrative Extension 1/10/2019- 1/9/2020
Proposed Contract Period Extension: 1/10/2020 - 1/9/2021
Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $150,000.00
Original Approval: Board Approval not required ($25,000.00)
Previous Increase(s): $125,000.00 (7/26/2018)
This Increase Requested: N/A
Estimated Fiscal Impact: N/A
Accounts: Legal Services 51001.621055
Contract Number(s): #74000002561 issued under RFP 18-60-100
The Chief Financial Officer and Interim Chief Attorney have approved this item.
Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprise goals are not applicable for this amendment as there is no increased fiscal impact.
District(s): Districtwide
Summary: In an effort to reduce the number of, and exposure from, lawsuits filed against the Forest Preserves by current and former employees, the Forest Preserves utilizes external investigators to explore claims of disparate treatment and/or harassment in the workplace. The Forest Preserves will issue a new Request for Proposals in 2020.