Department(s): Planning and Department
Vendor: D&M Welding Inc, Bridgeview, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Forest Preserves of Cook County (the “Forest Preserves”) to enter into and execute
Good(s) or Service(s): Construction Services to complete Dan Ryan Woods nature play treehouse elements under Contract 17-80-10C1-R
Contract Value: $71,015.00
Contract period: 1/22/2019 - 6/30/2019
Estimated Fiscal Impact: $71,015.00 (to be partially offset by deductions from the Kee Construction contract amount under Contract 17-80-10C1-R)
Accounts: Site Improvement 51009.560055, 51025.560055, 51026.560055, 51055.560055, 51056.560055, 51057.560055, 51058.560055, 51059.560055 and Grant 51010.560055
Contract Number(s): 17-80-10C1-R-D&M
The Chief Financial Officer and Chief Attorney have approved this item.
District(s): 4
Summary: A new sole source contract is needed to complete final steel work for a treehouse at the Dan Ryan Woods nature play area. Contract 17-80-10C1-R was awarded to Kee Construction LLC on 12/12/2017 for $1,137,794.00 to construct a nature play area, sledding hill fitness stairs and other site improvements at Dan Ryan Woods. More than 90% of the work is now complete, and the Forest Preserves is now seeking to contract directly with the steel supplier to complete remaining steel work, including painting and installation of guardrails. D&M Welding, Inc. is uniquely qualified to expediently complete remaining work.end