Department(s): Conservation & Experiential Programming
Vendor: AllTown Bus Service, Skokie, Illinois
First Student, Naperville, Illinois
R & D Bus Co., Inc. Chicago, Illinois
A.M. Bus Company, Chicago, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Forest Preserve District of Cook County (“the Preserves”) to enter into and execute and, at the Preserves’ discretion, subsequently exercise option
Good(s) or Service(s): Bus Transportation Services
Contract Value: not to exceed $75,000.00 annually per company
Contract period: 2/1/2018-1/31/2021; with two (2), one-year renewal options.
Estimated Fiscal Impact: FY 2018 $300,000, FY 2019 $300,000, FY 2020 $300,000
Accounts: Mighty Acorn 51001.521441, Next Generation Youth 51001.521442, Special Events 51001.520635, Next Generation Youth 51001.521443, Campground Program Supplies 51001.530262
Contract Number(s): RFP 18-35-101
The Chief Financial Officer and Chief Attorney have approved this item.
District(s): Districtwide
Summary: The Conservation and Experiential Programming Department and the Volunteer Resources unit provides transportation for school groups and community groups to come to the Forest Preserves for education, recreation and volunteer programs. In addition, programming needs often require shuttle bus transportation between program sites and parking areas. Four (4) bus companies are being awarded a contract because one (1) company cannot provide all of the services needed by the Preserves programming and volunteer teams, due to scheduling, program needs, type of bus, etc. The Forest Preserve put out an RFP for bus transportation services in November 2017 and received seven (7) proposals and these four (4) were chosen for their pricing and ability to provide required services.