Department: Resource Management
Request: Authorization for the Forest Preserve District of Cook County (the "Forest Preserves") to utilize additional accounts for professional services provided by the Prairie Research Institute of the University of Illinois in 2018 related to the execution of the Natural and Cultural Resources Master Plan. Additional accounts are being added to accommodate departmental work that may be covered under this contract (task order).
This amendment applies to the existing task order, which was initially approved by the Board of Commissioners on 1/9/2018 and is valid through the end of calendar year 2018. All other details of the contract remain unchanged.
Item Number: 18-0111
Fiscal Impact: No additional fiscal impact
Account(s): Habitat Enhancement 51009.521452, Natural and Cultural Resources Master Plan 51009.520825, Habitat Restoration 51009.521444, Grant Match and Work Fund 51009.521440, Mitigation accounts: 51010.29982 and 51010.22522, Capital Improvement Bonds Fund, 51025 - 2012, Capital Improvement Bonds Fund 51026 - 2015, Construction and Development Funds 51057 and 51058, Professional Services/Real Estate Funds 51006.520000
District(s): Districtwide
Original Text of Item:
Department(s): Resource Management
Vendor: University of Illinois, Champaign, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Forest Preserve District of Cook County ("the Preserves") to enter into and execute
Good(s) or Service(s):1. Develop a comprehensive monitoring plan integrating established priorities and protocols to devise strategies for collecting needed data specific to restoration units on appropriate timescales, managing and analyzing that data, and using the resulting information to help drive management decisions. 2. Develop a web-based tool for displaying restoration progress and communicating results to broader audiences. 3. Produce a document summa...
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