Department: Facilities & Fleet
Request: Reconsider a previously approved item and approve as amended
Item Number: 14-0489
Fiscal Impact: N/A
Account(s): Other Professional Services, 01-6217; Camp Accounts 25-6730, 52-6730, 54-6730 & 55-6730; Building Accounts 25-6710, 51-6710, 52-6710, 54-6710 & 55-6710; and Recreation Landscape Accounts 25-6760, 54-6760 & 55-6760.
Summary: Board approval is requested to add capital improvement accounts to a previously approved board item that would allow for the use of these capital funds for these security equipment purchases at the campgrounds.
Item 14-0489, a contract with Broadway Electric for security monitoring and installation services was approved by the Board of Commissioners on 10/7/2014. Staff is seeking to purchase security equipment for new campgrounds and other new public buildings and recreation sites from this vendor through this previously approved contract. No change in the contract amount or term is needed.
The previously approved item with the recommended change is as follows:
Presented by: ARNOLD L. RANDALL, General Superintendent
Department(s): Facilities & Fleet
Vendor: Broadway Electric, Elk Grove Village, Illinois
Request: Authorization for the Forest Preserve District of Cook County to enter into and execute
Good(s) or Service(s): Security monitoring and installation services
Contract Value: $1,146,946.92
Contract period: 10/7/2014 -10/7/2017
Estimated Fiscal Impact: FY 2014 $155,229.67, FY 2015 $364,090.32, FY 2016, $342,342.00, FY 2017 $285,284.93.
Accounts: Other Professional Services, 01-6217, Camp Accounts 25-6730, 52-6730, 54-6730 & 55-6730; Building Accounts 25-6710, 51-6710, 52-6710, 54-6710 & 55-6710; and Recreation Landscape Accounts 25-6760, 54-6760 & 55-6760.
Contract Number(s): 14-53-520
The Chief Financial Officer...
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