BE IT ORDAINED, by the Forest Preserve District of Cook County Board of Commissioners, that TITLE 1 - ADMINISTRATIVE, CHAPTER 13 - CODE OF ETHICAL CONDUCT, SECTION NUMBER 1-13-2 - CODE OF CONDUCT of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as Follows:
Sec. 1-13-2: CODE OF CONDUCT.
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L. Political Activity.
1. No District Official or Employee shall compel, coerce or intimidate any District Official or Employee to make or refrain from making any political contribution. No District Official, Appointee shall directly solicit any political contribution from their Employees, the spouses, domestic partners or civil union partners of, or Relatives living with, their Employees. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent any Official or Employee from voluntarily making a contribution or from receiving a voluntary contribution.
2. No Employee with contract management authority nor Appointee of a District Official whose board or commission appointment provides for compensation and requires confirmation by the Forest Preserve District Board of Commissioners shall serve on the political committee of any elected Official or Candidate for Cook County office.
3. District Employees shall not intentionally perform any prohibited political activity during any compensated time (other than vacation, personal, or compensatory time off). District Employees or Officials shall not intentionally misappropriate any District property or resources by engaging in any prohibited political activity for the benefit of any campaign for elective office or any political organization or political committee.
4. At no time shall any Official or Employee intentionally misappropriate the services of any District Employee and at no time shall any Appointee misappropriate the services of any Board or Commission Employee by requiring that Employee to perform ...
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