Department(s): Conservation and Experiential Programming
Action: Authorization to disburse payment
Payee: Swim Chicago Southland, Bridgeview, Illinois
Good(s) or Service(s): Management and operations associated with three (3) Aquatic Centers
Fiscal Impact: $823,670.00
Accounts: Professional Services 51001.520840
Contract Number(s): 16-35-01
District(s): 4, 9, 10, 16
Summary: Payment of expenses for managing the three (3) Aquatic Centers for the swim season which is Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend, unless extended due to weather conditions. Payments will be based upon working capital needs, invoices, and backup documentation submitted by Swim Chicago Southland for the management and operations including staffing, supplies and concession items for the Aquatic Centers, pursuant to the Aquatic Center Management Contract approved by the board on 3/22/2016 and extended by the board on 10/16/2018.