Department(s): Resource Management
Request: Authorization for the Forest Preserve District of Cook County (the "Preserves") to enter into and execute a contract with Sweet Beginnings, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of the North Lawndale Employment Network, Chicago, Illinois.
Good(s) or Service(s): The operation of an on-site demonstration hive and an apiary consisting of 25 honeybee hives, educational programing and honey production.
Contract Value: Not to exceed $75,000.00 over the three (3) year term of the agreement
Contract period: Date of execution to 12/31/2016
Estimated Fiscal Impact: Not to exceed $25,000.00 per year
Accounts: Capital Improvement and Grant Fund accounts 09-6750, 09-6758, 10-6750
Contract Number(s): 13-31-118
The Chief Financial Officer and Chief Attorney have approved this item.
The Vendor is in good standing with the State of Illinois.
Summary: Contract 13-31-118 consists of an internship program focused on improving habitat and introducing youth and adults to science and conservation. The Preserves' received nine (9) proposals for this project and Sweet Beginnings and their team, North Lawndale Employment Network (SBNLEN), was determined to have submitted one of the most responsive and responsible proposals.
The Preserve' assembled a review panel which consisted of various Preserve staff that considered SBNLEN's proposal one of the most responsive, including particular strengths in experience, expertise and performance capacity as it relates to the work as requested in the proposal. The program will provide a demonstration hive at a prominent Preserve location along with an apiary consisting of twenty-five (25) honeybee hives. SBNLEN will provide education sessions and hive maintenance throughout the bee season. SBNLEN will increase visits to the Preserves by city youth and adults through their community outreach and marketing this program for...
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