Department: Department of Finance and Administration
Request: Receive and File
Report Title: Forest Preserves of Cook County Annual Fee Waiver and Discount Report FY 2019
Report Period: 1/1/2019 - 12/31/2019
Summary: Under the Forest Preserves Code of Ordinances certain discounts are granted to veteran or non-profit organizations with respect to recreational use of Forest Preserves property or amenities. Additional discounts may be offered at the discretion of the General Superintendent. The Forest Preserves implemented a Few Waiver Policy (Policy Number: 02.30.00) establishing the process for when discounts or waivers would be granted. The policy requires an annual report to the Board of Commissioners on discounts and waivers for the sake of transparency. The Fee Waiver and Discount Report describes specific discount categories and various passes issued pursuant to Forest Preserves Board Approved Resolution, 16-0314, dated July 12, 2016.
For FY 2019, the Forest Preserves, with the cooperation of our partners, issued fee waivers to forty-seven (47) customers with a value of $26,813.20. In addition, 2,075 passes were issued with an estimated value of $53,904.65.