Department(s): Planning and Development
Action: Disbursement Approval
Payee: Old Veteran Construction Inc., Chicago, Illinois
Good(s) or Service(s): Camp Reinberg Development
Fiscal Impact: $113,178.54
Accounts: Campgrounds 51025.560057, 51026.560057, 51054.560057, 51055.560057, 51056.560057, 51057.560057, 51058.560057, 51009.560057
Contract Number(s): 13-80-03-004-C
District(s): 14
Summary: This payment request is for final payment for construction of Camp Reinberg under a contract that expired on March 23, 2017. Camp Reinberg opened in 2015 with conditional approval from the Palatine Fire Protection District (“Palatine FPD”) that the seasonal sprinkler system for the four (4) unheated small cabins in the camp must be winterized even if the cabins are closed in the winter. The cost to winterize the sprinkler system was significant, so the Forest Preserves requested a waiver to leave the cabins unprotected during the winter and explore the feasibility of heating the cabins to allow for winter use. The cost to heat the cabins and meet the County and local codes proved to be unfeasible, and additional time was needed to revert to plans to winterize the sprinkler system only. All work has been completed, but one remaining defective part must be replaced before final testing and inspection. Payment would be released upon final inspection and approval of the system by Palatine FPD and receipt of all appropriate documentation from the contractor.