Request: Requesting authorization for the Forest Preserves of Cook County (the “Forest Preserves”) to enter into a Partnership Agreement with The Nature Conservancy, Chicago, Illinois.
Reason: The Forest Preserves is requesting to partner with The Nature Conservancy to restore and enhance seventeen (17) acres at Midlothian Meadows located in the Village of Midlothian, and sixteen (16) acres at Powderhorn Prairie and Marsh Nature Preserves located in the City of Chicago and the Village of Burnham. The project consists of shrub removal and thinning in conjunction with herbaceous invasive species control, all of which will be conducted at no direct cost to the Forest Preserves. This project builds upon grant-funded work previously completed by The Nature Conservancy in the southeast region via the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation's Sustain Our Great Lakes Program (Board Item Nos. 21-0533 and 22-0373).
Contract Period: Date of execution - 12/31/2028
Fiscal Impact: N/A. The project will be conducted at no direct cost to the Forest Preserves, which may provide in-kind staff support for the planning, implementation, and monitoring of the projects.
Account(s): N/A
Concurrences: The Interim Chief Financial Officer has approved this item. Final agreement is subject to legal review and approval.
District(s): 4, 5