Department: Planning and Development
Request: Authorization for the Forest Preserves District of Cook County (the “Preserves”) to enter into a construction contract with Anchor Mechanical, Inc., Chicago, Illinois to furnish and install heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems at South Police Headquarters located in Palos Park, Palos Landscape Maintenance Division Headquarters in unincorporated Palos Township, and McGinnis Field Station Garage located in unincorporated Orland Township.
Reason: 17-80-21-R HVAC at South Police, McGinnis Field Station Garage and Palos Maintenance Garage. The work includes, but is not limited to, a new cooling system and new unit heater at South Police Building, replacement garage unit heaters in a forced air system at McGinnis Field Station Garage and replacement garage unit heaters in hot water system at Palos Maintenance Garage. Bids for this project were originally to be opened on 4/26/2017, however no bids were received at that time.
Bid Opening Date: 8/25/2017
Bid Results:
Firm Total Bid
1. Anchor Mechanical, Inc. $156,949.30
2. Qu-bar, Inc. $180,000.00
Estimated Fiscal Impact: $156,949.30
Contract Period: One hundred eighty (180) days after issuance of Notice To Proceed
Account Name/Number: Building Accounts: 51025.560106, 51026.560106, 51054.560106, 51055.560106, 51056.560106, 51057.560106, and 51009.560106
District(s): 17
The vendor has met the Minority and Women Business Enterprise Ordinance provision.
The Chief Attorney and Chief Financial Officer have approved this item.