Department(s): Department of Permits, Rentals and Concessions
Vendor: Antares Golf Management, Inc. (formerly Billy Casper Golf), Reston, Virginia
Request: Authorization for the Forest Preserves of Cook County (the “Forest Preserves”) to modify contract
Good(s) or Service(s): Indoor Room Rental Management
Original Contract Period: 10/16/2018 - 10/15/2021; with the option for two (2) one-year extensions; Board Approved Extension (9/22/2020) 10/16/2021 - 10/15/2022; with the option for two (2) one-year extensions to be exercised at the discretion of the General Superintendent.
Proposed Contract Period Extension: N/A
Total Current Contract Amount Authority: $1,614,693.10
Original Approval: 10/16/2018, $809,696.20
Previous Increase(s): 9/22/2020, $804,996,90
This Increase Requested: N/A
Estimated Fiscal Impact: This amendment will reduce the management fee saving the Forest Preserves $4,896.00.
Accounts: Professional Services 51001.520850
Contract Number(s): 18-40-425
The Chief Financial Officer has approved this item. Final amendment is subject to legal review and approval.
District(s): 4, 9, 10, 15, 17
Summary: Because of restrictions enacted by the State of Illinois as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the vendor previously agreed to reduce its 2021 Management Fee to operate the Forest Preserves’ indoor room rental program by 50%, along with a reduction in sites available for room rental (Contract Amendment 20-0330 approved 9/22/2020). Now and in addition, the vendor has agreed to reduce its 2020 Management Fee ($48,960.00) by 10% ($4,896.00). The Management Fee reduction is retroactive from 1/1/2020 - 12/31/2020.