Request: Requesting authorization for the Forest Preserve District of Cook County ("the Preserves") to grant a temporary easement to the Illinois Department of Transportation ("IDOT") at Cicero Avenue (IL Rte 50) at Midlothian Creek in the Midlothian Meadows Preserve for 0.05 Acres or 2,059 square feet.
Reason: IDOT proposes to replace the existing 60-80 year old culverts that convey Midlothian Creek under Cicero Avenue with a new concrete structure. The temporary easement is needed for grading to align the existing stream bank with the new structure. The proposed stream bank grading will reduce the existing stream bank erosion along the south bank of the creek, on the Preserves' land.
No permanent structures are proposed to be built on District land.
The area for the temporary easement is 0.05 acres. IDOT indicates that no trees are expected to be removed for this project.
Easement Fee: $8,200.00
Tree Mitigation Fee: None
(Inactive) ARNOLD RANDALL, General Superintendent