Department: Department of Planning and Development
Other Part(ies): City of Oak Forest, Illinois (the “City”)
Request: Authorization is sought for the Forest Preserves of Cook County (the “Forest Preserves”) to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) to convey permanent and temporary easements to the City
Goods or Services: Construction by the City of a new shoulder area and other safety improvements on a portion of Oak Park Avenue near the intersection with 147th Street. The work will require the conveyance of a Permanent Easement (“PE”) for 0.016 acres, more or less, to relocate existing drainage structures and a Temporary Easement (“TE”) for 0.067 acres, more or less, for grading. As this is a benefit for the Forest Preserves, waiver of compensation and fees is recommended. No trees would be impacted by the work.
Agreement Number(s): IGA #25-0118
Agreement Period: From date of full execution to final acceptance and restoration of site but no later than 12/31/2029.
Fiscal Impact: N/A ($2,150.00 for PE and $4,400.00 for TE appraised value compensation to be waived)
Accounts: N/A
District(s): 6
Summary: This project is to improve the safety of an intersection with recurring incidents involving cars veering off the road into Forest Preserves of Cook County property, causing damage to the fence at Camp Sullivan and the Tinley Creek Resource Management yard. The proposed improvements will create a safer intersection by the addition of a shoulder and other safety features (striping and signage, etc.) that the City will construct and maintain upon conveyance of the easements. Final intergovernmental agreement subject to legal review and approval.