Department: Department of Planning and Development
Other Part(ies): Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (“MWRD”), Chicago, Illinois
Request: Authorization to extend an existing Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) with MWRD to cooperate on mutually beneficial projects and provide for mutual waiver of permit, license and other fees for improvement projects proposed by either agency.
Goods or Services: Continued waiver of license and other fees for projects proposed by either agency that otherwise meet the respective agency’s permit or license review criteria.
Agreement Number: N/A
Agreement Period: Original agreement: Five (5) years from date of execution (7/20/2017), ending 7/19/2022. Extension period: One (1) year, 7/20/2022 - 7/19/2023.
Fiscal Impact: Varies by project
Accounts: N/A
District(s): Districtwide
Summary: For the past five years, the agencies have been working cooperatively on projects that mutually benefit both agencies, and have mutually waived license, permit and other fees for projects proposed by either agency that otherwise meet the respective agency’s permit or license review criteria. The parties are currently exploring expansion of the agreement and request a one-year extension to work on a more formal intergovernmental agreement. No other terms of the existing agreement would change.