Department: Resource Management
Request: Authorization for the Forest Preserves of Cook County (the “Preserves”) to enter into a contract with Trees “R” Us, Wauconda, Illinois
Reason: Bid #17RM 125 consists of the removal of one-hundred eleven (111) trees, sixteen (16) of which require pruning in accordance with the Preserves’ specifications at Chick Evans, Edgebrook, and Billy Caldwell golf courses. Trees “R” Us was the lowest responsible bidder of the seven (7) bidders.
Bid Opening Date: 10/4/2017
Bid Results:
1. Trees “R” Us, $19,880.00
2. Alvarez, Inc., $30,092.15
3. Groundskeeper, $32,400.00
4. Homer Tree Care, $38,500.00
5. KGI Landscaping, $48,800.00
6. Clean Cut Tree Service, $52,100.00
7. Winkler’s Tree and Landscaping, $87,640.00
Estimated Fiscal Impact: $19,880.00
Contract Period: Thirty (30) working days after issuance of purchase order
Account Name/Number: EAB Tree Removal 51009.521456, Vegetation Management 51009.521455, Habitat Restoration 51009.521444, Habitat Enhancement 51009.521452, Mitigation Accounts: 51010.29982 and 51010.22522
District: 10, 13
The Chief Attorney and Chief Financial Officer have approved this item.