Vendor: Openlands, Chicago, Illinois
Request: Requesting authorization for the Forest Preserve District of Cook County ("the Preserves") to enter into an agreement with Openlands to develop a plan for a large-scale restoration project at Deer Grove West in Palatine.
Reason: This project will facilitate restoration of valuable remnant woodland and wetland communities in the western portion of this historic site.
Situated in northwestern Cook County, Deer Grove was the first preserve acquired by the Forest Preserve District, beginning with 500 acres in 1916. Deer Grove is home to a variety of habitats, with rolling upland forest interspersed with wooded ravines and wetlands. With its long, rich history and extensive trails, the now 1,800-acre Deer Grove has attracted generations of visitors and is an ideal target for expanded restoration moving into the next century.
The plan is projected to be completed by 7/15/2015
Contract period: 2/11/2014 - 7/31/2015
Estimated Fiscal Impact: N/A
Account(s): N/A
The Chief Financial Officer and Chief Attorney have approved this item.
District(s): District 14