Department: Department of Resource Management
Grantee: Forest Preserves of Cook County (the "Forest Preserves")
Grantor: Illinois Department of Natural Resources ("IDNR")
Request: Authorization to accept grant and enter into a grant agreement
Purpose: Expansion of Conservation Corps programming
Grant Amount: $344,345.00
Grant Period: From date of execution through 6/30/2027
Fiscal Impact: $36,047.00 in direct cash match, plus $21,821.00 of in-kind staff support for the planning, implementation, and monitoring of the programs
Accounts: Grant and Mitigation 51010.521314 and 51010.521444
Concurrences: The Chief Financial Officer has approved this item. Final grant agreement is subject to legal review and approval.
District(s): Districtwide
Summary: The Forest Preserves has been awarded a grant from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources to support the recruitment, hiring, and employment of approximately fifty-one (51) additional participants of the Forest Preserves' Forest Preserve Experience, Chicago Conservation Leadership Corps, and Audubon Great Lakes Habitat Restoration Internship programs (Board Item No. 23-0603). This funding will allow for the expansion of these programs by approximately 37% during the 2025 season.
Conservation Corps programs provide paid employment for youth and adult participants who reflect the diversity of Cook County, as well as benefit people who have barriers to employment, have suffered from historical disenfranchisement, or whose communities are disproportionately impacted by environmental justice issues. Participants receive job skills training, environmental education, and professional networking experiences as they contribute hands-on conservation service to the land that benefits people, plants, and wildlife.
Total project costs are $402,213.00 of which the Forest Preserves will contribute $36,047.00 or approximately 9% in direct cash match. Additionally, in-kind sta...
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