WHEREAS, The Forest Preserve District of Cook County (the "Forest Preserves") is celebrating its 100th Anniversary; and
WHEREAS, the Forest Preserves developed a Centennial Campaign Plan that included as one of its goals to inspire new people and groups to visit the Forest Preserves; and
WHEREAS, one of the outcomes of that plan was to develop a children's book to serve as an entry point to the Forest Preserves; and
WHEREAS, The Forest Preserves' Conservation and Experiential Programming Department worked with Loyola University's Center for Science and Math Education's Dr. Linda C. Brazdil, Ph.D., to create a student internship project to create and design a unique activity book for the Forest Preserves; and
WHEREAS, Loyola University student Gretchen Dausch participated in the internship program and worked with staff from the Nature Centers and other programming areas to determine the book's content; and
WHEREAS, Ms. Dausch drew and designed 24 pages of "Explore the Forest: an Activity Book Celebrating the Forest Preserves of Cook County"; and
WHEREAS, the activity book will be given out to youth and families at the Forest Preserves' permits office, at information and health fairs and at other activities as a tool to lead youth and families to take advantage of the many offerings at the Forest Preserves; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Commissioners of the Forest Preserves does hereby thank Loyola University, Dr. Brazdil and Ms. Dausch for their work on completing the Activity Book and this specific Centennial Legacy Project with this resolution; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution be memorialized and sent or given to Loyola, Dr. Brazdil and Ms. Dausch.