Department: Department of Conservation and Experiential Programming
Summary: Forest Preserves of Cook County Calendar: 4/5/2022 - 5/10/2022
Please check the Forest Preserve of Cook County’s website, www.fpdcc.com/events, for updates and changes.
Wednesday, 4/6; 5:30pm
Camping 101, Camp Reinberg, Palatine
Join us for a workshop covering basic camping skills. Registration required.
Friday, 4/8; 7pm - 9pm
Nocturnal Nature Walk, Little Red Schoolhouse, Willow Springs
Pop on over for a naturalist-led outdoor activity. Mother Nature will choose what is in store for the day. Registration required.
Friday, 4/8; 7:30pm
Evening Under a Half Moon, Crabtree Nature Center, Barrington
Enjoy a night hike under the light of the moon! Ages 10 and up. Registration required.
Saturday, 4/9; 8am
Fishing Derby, Papoose Lake, Palos Park
Join the Village of Palos Park and the Forest Preserves for a family-fun day of fishing.
Saturday, 4/9; 2pm
Conservation@Home: Go Native and Get Wild, Trailside Museum, River Forest
Learn about the best plant species and benefits to yourself, pollinators and birds of planting native flowers, grasses, shrubs, and trees in your backyard. Ages 18 and up. Zoom presentation.
Sunday, 4/10; 1pm
Prime Real Estate, Crabtree Nature Center, Barrington
See why and how we provide cavity nesting birds with accommodation, then stay to see the tree swallows compete. Registration required.
Sunday, 4/10; 1pm
Sagawau Art: Drawing Birds, Sagawau Nature Center, Lemont
Class will focus on gesture sketching and development of a completed drawing of an avian subject. Ages 12 and up.
Tuesday, 4/12; 10am - 1pm
Spring Breakout Adventures, Caldwell Woods, Chicago
Welcome spring with nature as your muse. Take a hike or join a scavenger hunt, create a work of art, try archery, and more. Drop-in.
Wednesday, 4/13; 11am - 2pm
Spring Breakout Adventure, Dan Ryan Woods, Chicago
Spend your time on break, outside! Enjoy a chance to try your hand at several outdoor recreation activities. Explore, discover, and create!
Thursday, 4/14; 11am - 2pm
Spring Breakout Adventure, Beaubien Woods- Boat Launch, Chicago
Spend your time on break, outside! Enjoy a chance to try your hand at several outdoor recreation activities. Explore, discover, and create!
Saturday, 4/16; 11am - 2pm
Animal Supplies Drop ‘n Drive, Miller Meadow, Maywood
Join in helping animals in need by donating supplies. This is a drop-off event; donation drop off location is at Miller Meadow Off-Leash Dog Area. Call 312-533-5751 for more information.
Friday, 4/22; 10am - 2pm
Earth Day, Sauk Trail Woods, Chicago Heights
Celebrate Earth Day by doing your part in helping clean up litter in the Preserves. We will have litter pick up supplies for individuals or families to check-out during the afternoon.
Friday, 4/22; 7:30pm
Campfire Stories, River Trail Nature Center, Northbrook
An evening of stories and s'mores around our campfire. $3 per person. Registration required by 4/20.
Friday, 4/22; 1pm - 3pm
Earth Day Cleanup, Schiller Woods-East, Chicago
Celebrate Earth Day by doing your part in helping clean up litter in the Preserves. We will have litter pick up supplies for individuals or families to check-out during the afternoon.
Friday, 4/22; 10am - 1pm
Earth Day Clean-up, Caldwell Woods, Chicago
Celebrate Earth Day by doing your part in helping clean up litter in the Preserves. Litter pick-up supplies for individuals or families available to check-out during the afternoon.
Friday, 4/22; 12pm - 2pm
Earth Day Cleanup, Miller Meadow-South, Maywood
Celebrate Earth Day by doing your part in helping clean up litter in the Preserves. We will have litter pick up supplies for individuals or families to check-out during the afternoon.
Friday, 4/22; 10am - 1pm
Earth Day Celebration with the BackYard Nature Center, Erickson Woods, Winnetka
Welcome spring with nature as your muse. Take a hike or join a scavenger hunt, create a work of art, try archery, and more. Drop-in.
Friday, 4/22; 3:30pm - 4:45pm
Earth Day: After School Earth Day Activities Drop-In, Trailside Museum, River Forest
Help us celebrate Earth Day by planting a tree, making a bird feeder, and creating “recycled” art.
Friday, 4/22; 3pm - 6pm
Earth Day Cleanup, Jerome Huppert Woods, River Grove
Celebrate Earth Day by doing your part in helping clean up litter in the Preserves. We will have litter pick up supplies for individuals or families to check-out during the afternoon.
Friday through Sunday, 4/22 - 4/24; 9:30am - 11:30am
Earth Day: Restoration Weekend - Garlic Mustard Pull, Sagawau Nature Center, Lemont
Celebrate Earth Day by welcoming back native plants and wildlife by pulling invasive garlic mustard.
Saturday, 4/23; 11am - 2pm
Earth Day, Beaubien Woods, Chicago
Celebrate Earth Day by doing your part in helping clean up litter in the Preserves. We will have litter pick up supplies for individuals or families to check-out during the afternoon.
Saturday, 4/23; 10am - 3pm
Earth Day, Green Lake Woods, Calumet City
Celebrate Earth Day with the opening of our new pollinator garden, themed games, a self-guided litter cleanup and more. Call 708-868-0606 to learn more.
Saturday, 4/23; 8am - 12pm
Earth Day Every Day for Girl Scouts, Little Red Schoolhouse, Willow Springs
Girl Scouts, spend time outside learning conservation activities, Leave No Trace principles, birding, nature art making, orienteering and guided hikes. Ages 9 and up. Registration required.
Saturday, 4/23 to Sunday, 4/24
Camping Leadership Immersion Course, Camp Sullivan, Oak Forest
CLIC is an overnight training at Camp Sullivan in Oak Forest designed to give participants the skills and experience to plan and lead camping trips at Camp Sullivan. The overnight training course covers camping safety, day-hiking, tent and stove-set up, teambuilding and leadership skills. Educational offerings and will help familiarize you with the reservation process. By completing the CLIC training, leaders gain access to the CLIC gear library (onsite) and designated group site at Camp Sullivan. Must be at least 18 years old and be affiliated with an organization to participate. Fee is $25 per person and includes food and camping gear for the night. Register at experience.camping@cookcountyil.gov. For more info go to visit the Forest Preserves website.
Saturday, 4/23; 8am - 10am
Earth Day River Cleanup, Trailside Museum, River Forest
Join us to help clean up litter in Thatcher Woods in honor of Earth Day. A great Service Project for students, families, and Scouts! Held with partner organization the River Forest Park District. Bags and gloves provided; check in and get the supplies in Trailside Museum’s lobby.
Sunday, 4/24; 7:30pm - 9:45pm
Night of the Frogs, Little Red Schoolhouse, Willow Springs
Join a bilingual Spanish walk and use your sense of hearing to identify which frogs are calling. Data is used for the Calling Frog Survey for the Chicago Wilderness Region. Ages 10 and up. Registration required.
Sunday, 4/24; 10:30am and 1:30pm
Wildflower Walk, River Trail Nature Center, Northbrook
Learn about spring woodland wildflowers on a casual walk. Registration required.
Friday, 4/29; 10am - 12pm
Arbor Day Celebration, Bunker Hill, Niles
Celebrate the grandeur of trees and why they are vital to our community and world. Enjoy tree ID hikes, scavenger hunts, and more.
Saturday, 4/30; 10am - 3pm
Murdered & Missing Indigenous Women Awareness Day, Bunker Hill, Niles
Join the American Indian Health Service of Chicago, American Indian Center-Chicago, St. Kateri Center, Trickster Cultural Center, and the Forest Preserves of Cook County to bring awareness to the obstacles the native communities have faced historically in seeking justice for these women and their families.
Sunday, 5/1; 11am - 3pm
Spring Festival & Trailside’s 90th Anniversary Celebration, Trailside Museum, River Forest
Celebrate 90 years of nature education and springtime at Trailside Museum! Enjoy an ice cream social and participate in family-friendly historical activities. Enjoy animal encounters, kids’ tree climb, guided wildflower walks, bird banding, dip netting, building a bird house to take home, and much more!
Sunday, 5/1; 1pm
April Showers Bring May Flowers, Crabtree Nature Center, Barrington
Search for the first blooms of spring emerging along the forest floor.
Sunday, 5/1; 11am - 12pm
Conservation@Home: Homegrown National Park, Little Red Schoolhouse, Willow Springs
Let’s help the goal of establishing 20 million acres of native gardening on private land. It is easy and we will show you how. Free plants! Registration required.
Thursday, 5/5; 5:30pm
Camping 101, Camp Bullfrog, Willow Springs
Join us for a workshop covering basic camping skills. Registration required.
Friday, 5/6; 11am - 3pm
Sand Ridge Nature Center 60th Anniversary, Sand Ridge Nature Center, South Holland
Celebrate 60 years of Sand Ridge Nature Center’s conservation, recreation, and educational work. Find more info about daily activities on Sand Ridge Nature Center’s Facebook page.
Saturday, 5/7; 10am - 12pm
World Migratory Bird Day, LaBagh Woods, Chicago
Celebrate these spring visitors and participate in family-friendly activities.
Saturday, 5/7; 9am - 12pm Spring Photography Workshop, River Trail Nature Center, Northbrook Capture nature through hands-on instruction. Registration required by 5/5. Participants must bring their own digital camera. Ages 18 and up. Registration required.
Tuesday, 5/10; 5pm - 7pmWorld Mental Health Month Celebration, Swallow Cliff Woods, Palos Park
Exercise and time in nature are proven ways to improve your mental health. Climb the stairs, join a guided walk, and explore mental health resources. In partnership with Advocate Aurora Health.