WHEREAS, Commissioner Arroyo will vacate his seat on the Forest Preserve District of Cook County Board of Commissioners in the near future after eight years of service to the residents of Cook County and visitors to the Forest Preserves of Cook County; and
WHEREAS, it is the mission of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County “to acquire, restore and manage lands for the purpose of protecting and preserving public open space with its natural wonders, significant prairies, forests, wetlands, rivers, streams, and other landscapes with all of its associated wildlife, in a natural state for the education, pleasure and recreation of the public now and in the future”; and
WHEREAS, the Forest Preserve District of Cook County has an over one-hundred-year history, currently spanning almost seventy thousand acres, experiencing over one hundred million visits annually, and contributing immeasurably to the quality of life of the residents of Cook County, scientific research and conservation -- including public-private partnerships with the Brookfield Zoo and Chicago Botanic Garden; and
WHEREAS, Commissioner Arroyo has been a leader for the Forest Preserve District of Cook County as chairperson of several impactful committees. As Chairperson of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County Board of Commissioners’ Committee on Finance, he required sound, transparent, equitable and sustainable fiscal principles be followed during normal times and especially during the fiscal challenging years of the coronavirus pandemic. As Chairperson of the Committee on Capital Development, he supported equitable and accountable expansion of the amenities offered as well as responsible maintenance of existing structures throughout the Forest Preserves. As Chairperson of the Committee on Labor, he ensured that maintenance of amenities and services for the resident and visitors are offered by well-trained and appropriately compensated workers, while at the same time maintaining the right size of workforce within a sustainable budget; and
WHEREAS, Commissioner Arroyo’s numerous memberships on other committees further displays his commitment to the Forest Preserves including Committees on Contract Compliance, Legislation and Intergovernmental Relations, Real Estate, and Zoological; and
WHEREAS, Commissioner Arroyo was also instrumental in events leading up to and in the creation of the Forest Preserves’ award-winning Racial Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion program.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Toni Preckwinkle, President, and Members of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County Board of Commissioners do hereby extend their sincere and grateful appreciation to Commissioner Luis Arroyo, Jr. for his exemplary career in public service and on the Forest Preserve District of Cook County Board of Commissioners, and their best wishes to him for continued success, happiness, and good health in the years to come; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this text be spread upon the official proceedings of this Honorable Body, and a suitable copy of same be tendered to Commissioner Luis Arroyo, Jr.