Department: Department of Planning and Development
Other Part(ies): Public Building Commission of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Request: Authorization to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with the Public Building Commission (“PBC”)
Goods or Services: Planning, design and construction of various building and site improvement projects on public land and facilities owned by the Forest Preserves of Cook County (the “Forest Preserves”).
Agreement Number(s): N/A
Agreement Period: 4/25/2023 - 12/31/2028
Fiscal Impact: Not to exceed $25,000,000.00. Estimated impact: FY2023 $1,227,188.00, FY2024 $4,956,938.00, FY2025 $6,204,938.00, FY2026 $6,204,938.00, FY2027 $939,750.00, FY2028: $799,000.00
Accounts: Professional Services 51009.520830, 51010.520830, 51027.520830, 51028.520830, 51030.520830, 51031.520830, 51033.520830; Land Improvements 51009.560019, 51010.560019, 51028.560019, 51030.560019, 51031.560019, 51033.560019; Property Maintenance and Operations 51009.560105, 51010.560105, 51027.560105, 51028.560105, 51030.560105, 51031.560105, 51033.560105; and future Construction and Development and Capital bond accounts
District(s): Districtwide
Summary: The PBC was created by Illinois state legislation in 1956 for the purpose, among others, of facilitating the development, construction, operation and maintenance of public buildings, improvements, and facilities for use by local public agencies in the furnishing of essential governmental services. Of the PBC’s ten commissioners, one each is appointed by the Chicago Board of Education, the Chicago Park District, Cook County, the Forest Preserves of Cook County, and the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago.
The Forest Preserves is seeking assistance from the PBC to manage and deliver certain capital improvement projects that are being advanced in the 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan due to increased revenue from grants and the passage of the referendum. Additional support from the PBC is needed to deliver these capital improvement projects quickly without adding staff, subject to available funding. A portfolio of four (4) initial projects include: 1. a new comfort station building at the Beaubien Woods Boat Launch; 2. rehabilitation of up to sixty (60) comfort stations or indoor restrooms; 3. lighting upgrades at up to forty-five (45) locations; and 4. three (3) new metal vehicle and boat storage buildings at maintenance and resource management field locations. Additional projects may be added in the future with notice to the PBC up to the $25 million cap, however, preliminary Forest Preserves cost estimates for the four priority projects with contingency is $24.2 million. The PBC will coordinate with the Forest Preserves on goals for participation on Forest Preserves projects by minority and women owned businesses. Final agreement is subject to legal review and approval.